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What's the difference between these?

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What's the difference between these lifters? The older style I placed in the hole to the right for comparison to the installed lifters in the engine.




It appears the ones in the engine are not as deep as the one's I'm used to. The push rod fits, it just doesn't sit down as far. Is this just an update? Do you think all is OK to use the regular pushrods and valve train? Am I concerned for nothing??




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Make sure the came shaft is in a position so both lifters have zero lift for comparison.


Also if you really want to compair them pull out the old ones and compar to the new ones, to me if they are off just a little bit that could be very bad, but I am no expert on the ea-71.


You might be able to make up for the long lifters by ajusting your valves out a lot??? Not totaly sure on that might mess up the geometry of the valve?

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The new engine has all the same type of lifters in place. It's just they appear different than the ones I'm accustomed to. I just placed one of the older type in the hole, so I could take the picture for comparison. I don't plan on mixing lifters.


My concern was that the push rods don't fit as deep in the lifters in the engine. They fit deeper into the earlier ones I have used before.


I'm not going to split the case. I'm just curious as to the difference in the 2 types of lifters.



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It looks like the ones in the block are solid lifters and the one that's just sitting there looks like a hydraulic lifters. Take the one that's just sitting there and try pushing on it where the pushrod would sit in the cup moves. If you can see movement then it's a hydraulic lifter. Try it again with one of the lifters in the block if the cup doesn’t move then it's a solid lifer. Also could you take a pic of the pushrods that you have. If pretty obvious which are which (for solid lifer or for hydraulic lifers) by looking at them if you know what to look for.

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