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1996 Outback Replacement Struts: Recommendations

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The rear struts on my 1996 Outback need replacing. I was hoping to get Bilsteins but apparently they are not manufactured for a "96 Outback. I am having trouble finding an alternative to the OEM replacement offered by the Subaru dealership. Any recommendations? Anyone have any experience with adjustable ride struts--are they really adaptable to towing, and offroad, situations? Thanks.

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I used the OEM KYB's on our '99 when I did them. Most of the folks on this board seem to prefer the KYB GR2, a firmer strut than OEM. If you are doing only the rear I would use the OEM replacements, as going to a firmer strut in the rear only will definately affect handling. I did the rears only and the car still handles great. I recommend replacing the springs at the same time.

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