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Well, not the whole car, just the engine :) This is the first Legacy I've had, (1977, 1978 4Xwagons, 1986 GL wagon, 1990 Loyale). So my wife called me at work yesterday, and she couldn't get the car to start. It would turn over, fire up, then die. I came home in the afternoon, thought, well, haven't changed the oil in a LONG time, maybe it's not building up pressure, so the ignition is being killed after cranking. Changed oil/filter, and it started and runs, but it sounds like the timing's off, and it was surging at idle initially, but not now.


So I checked Legacy777's very helpful site (I haven't gotten a manual for this model yet), and I pulled the trouble codes (the check engine light came on when I got the car running). It had these codes:

11-crank angle sensor

13-cam angle sensor

23-air flow sensor

32-oxygen sensor


Well seems like a lot of bads sensors at once, could the 'puter be bad? Anyone had a similar scenario?


BTW, this is a great site, glad to have access to some other subie owners!

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Some of these might be old stored codes.

I would first erase those codes and see what new codes will come up. 777 site explains how to do that I think.

My guess would be crank and cam sensor for the symptoms you have. You're in luck these sensors became very expensive AFTER 96. You can have them for 17$ USD a piece at 1stSubaruParts. Test them before of course.

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O.K., I cleared the ECU (I think...I had to push the throttle down to start, after removing the EGI fuse for 30 minutes), and I still have 13-cam angle, and 23-air flow(this is the MAF?). I had a hard time starting it, it's about 40 degrees here. It would fire, rev, and die with the accelerator all the way down. Finally got it idling, smoothly, but it hesitates when the accelerator is pushed.



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Hah! You guys will love this. I was going to pull the MAF and take a look at it, when I noticed a spot down on the wire harness where some pesky critter had chewed through a couple of wires! I spliced the wires together with a couple of connectors, and voila!, she runs great!


Thanks for the replies, I still learned alot about the new subie stuff!

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