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Update on T-Rex

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Ok-I've not posted in a few days--the last two weekends i've been down at the shop--removed about 15lbs of wire from the 'loom--made the flairs look better (still need to cover foam & smooth & re-glas)--and did some general clean-up--anyway--here are the current pics (and yes, I know the street tires don't fill the flairs--I finished them with the race tires on--I still need to get better streets--) Still need to design the front dam and rear cap--Adam was by and showed me the '84 RX--good to see it running--anyway, we talked about future 'glas parts--more info later---

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Coolness! Just need to do fascias and paint it up!


Id SERIOUSLY be interested in a fiberglass hood (made so i can fit a 2004 STi scoop on the center hump) and RX fenders!


Also....think you can have my bushings ready and to me by wed....I'll pay $! ;)

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what are your plans for the wheels. i hope you got some nice wide wheels and tires for thoes flairs. cool project though

Well-Like I was saying--I built up the flairs with the race rubber on--I need to get a wider set of street rims for the tires--Got to install the EJ22 engine first--

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I might Drag T-Rex, but he earns his living in Autocross--I am planning a busy season next year--Have a full Autocross season (placed second in class this year--behind a roadrace "streetable" 510 Datsun:confused: )--I plan on being "FIRST" this next year:grin:--Want to compete in at least 2 Hillclimb events (SCCA stuff) & I've been invited to at least one club event at THUNDERHILL!! 3 miles & 15 corners:banana:--as fast as you can produce power---ROADRACE baby!!!!


So--I have a fair amount of work this winter:grin:

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