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I have been building this street legal Manx dune buggy for a few years. With lots of help from a car builder, powder coater, friends, and family ...not to mention a lot of cash, I am finally driving it down the street and now on my way to the sand dunes. Some specs:

WRX 2.0 EJ20 w/ upgraded turbo

Mendeola racing tranny

XM Satellite system (10", 4 Pioneer Marine)

4 wheel disc brakes


Let me know what you think! Rate my Manx 1-10...10 being the highest :)


ANy questions feel free to email me!





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10 ! Tell us about the suspension ! I am building a "Tube Frame Manx" with longer travel suspension, about 14" front and back with bipass shocks. My Manx has a built type 1 trans (mistake) and 1914 vw power. I dreamed about your engine many times going to leading edge performance many times, looking for the best prices for the japanese EJ20 turbo etc. I think the engine management ( aftermarket ecu) price is what stopped me. Tell us more info!

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