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Its a CVJ, its on the outer part of your front drive axle. When the rubber boot on the CVJ splits open, the grease inside all dries out, or flings out and makes a mess. Then the ball-bearings inside dry out and start to "click" against the carrier inside the cvj. It'll click for a while, but in short, you need a new axle.

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Yep--you'll be needing to replace the axle. Call around town and see what kind of prices you can get if you don't want to try this yourself--it's a pretty common job, so mom&pop garage with a good reputation can usually do a fine job and not charge you anywhere near what a dealer would. O'Reileys or Auto Zone or Advance should give you a decent price. I figure $75 for a remanufactured one, plus a core charge until you swap your old one.


Go ahead and crawl under the car and look at your other boots.

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Well, i got new tires and now the noise is gone. Any ideas?


Its a CVJ, its on the outer part of your front drive axle. When the rubber boot on the CVJ splits open, the grease inside all dries out, or flings out and makes a mess. Then the ball-bearings inside dry out and start to "click" against the carrier inside the cvj. It'll click for a while, but in short, you need a new axle.
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ehm.... an unbalanced tire? nail in your tire? i don't know why anything to do with the tires would only happen in corners or bumps...if you had something in the tire it would be a constant click, that sped up with the speed of the car. If you had a lopsided tire it would vibrate in the car, at certint speeds, like 45 and 75mph when it hits just the right harmonic. I have no idea what would be clicking that would change with a new set of tires. The tire place would have, should have, said something to you if you had a bad cvj, so, if its gone now, don't sweat it! :)

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