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Brat with no fuel!

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First a little history:

About two weeks ago, my 83 Brat died in Edmonds while I was on my way to go fishing. After many bad words, I finally had it towed to SubaruTex's place ( I live in Bremerton) and I began troubleshooting (Big thank you to Tex and his mom!) I tracked it down to what I believed to be a faulty fuel pump. I jetted down to the neighborhood Schucks, bought and installed a new pump and YAY GO ME! It ran just fine, until yesterday. It died on me again while I was on my way back from work. Luckily I managed to get it going again and made it home where I have not been able to start it again.


Currently: There is no fuel in the front filter, and I can't hear the fuel pump kick on when I switch on the ignition.... What is there in line with the fuel pump electrically (I am leaning towards electrical problems) and how can I test it? Thanks in advance... It would be in Tex's garage again, but for now, it is parked at home in Bremerton, and I am driving the other car as a commuter. To top it all off, I can't take that one fishing!



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Aside from finding the electrical problem, I hope you changed the fuel filter while you were replacing the pump.

First a little history:

About two weeks ago, my 83 Brat died in Edmonds while I was on my way to go fishing. After many bad words, I finally had it towed to SubaruTex's place ( I live in Bremerton) and I began troubleshooting (Big thank you to Tex and his mom!) I tracked it down to what I believed to be a faulty fuel pump. I jetted down to the neighborhood Schucks, bought and installed a new pump and YAY GO ME! It ran just fine, until yesterday. It died on me again while I was on my way back from work. Luckily I managed to get it going again and made it home where I have not been able to start it again.


Currently: There is no fuel in the front filter, and I can't hear the fuel pump kick on when I switch on the ignition.... What is there in line with the fuel pump electrically (I am leaning towards electrical problems) and how can I test it? Thanks in advance... It would be in Tex's garage again, but for now, it is parked at home in Bremerton, and I am driving the other car as a commuter. To top it all off, I can't take that one fishing!



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Shortly after I finished the Buggy, all the sudden it quit :dead:


I had the same solutions you did, they didn't work either. :eek:


I traced my problem to the Fuel Pump Control Unit under the dash.


The FPCU had given up the ghost and was not sending a signal to the pump. :mad:


I'd give a good look at that FPCU of yours!


Good Luck,


82 SubaruHummer--now with a modified FPCU

01 Forester :burnout:

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If I remember correctly it's a rectangular box about 4"x4"x1" mounted just under (or over?) the steering column. I haven't a clue how it works, but the posts are correct in that it delivers power to the fuel pump.

Yes, I did change both filters when I replaced the pump... Where is the FPCU under the dash, and how does it work?
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If I remember correctly it's a rectangular box about 4"x4"x1" mounted just under (or over?) the steering column. I haven't a clue how it works, but the posts are correct in that it delivers power to the fuel pump.
The Fuel Pump Control Unit looks at the tach signal & keeps a relay closed to supply power to the fuel pump--Fed mandated to shut the fuel off if the engine stops for more than a pre-set period of time (about 30sec)--I have replaced it with a Chev Vega oil pressure cut-out switch (opens a circuit when the engine has zero oil pressure)--this "switch" & a relay works better than "uncle sam's" mandated idea---use the "switch" to create a ground for the relay--Relay powers fuel pump--no oil pressure=no fuel pump---simple:)



Second note--earlier cars used the alternator signal to trigger the fuel pump relay--I can't remember the year that Subaru changed to tach signal--I know that my '82 used tach not alternator pulse for the trigger---


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