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We have a 1995 Subaru Legacy, lately it doesn't start all the time. If the car has been sitting all night it will uaually start right up.If I am starting and stopping the car it will not start about half the time.The engine turns over just fine but it will not fire up.The only way I can get it to fire is to hold the gas pedel to the floor and crank over the engine.I have to turn the engine over a long time before it begins to fire,then it runs very rough for about 20 seconds.

If anyone has any idea what this could be I would appriciate any help you are willing to give.

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sounds like the coolant temp sensor. located on coolant crossover pipe (right rear of engine)


We have a 1995 Subaru Legacy, lately it doesn't start all the time. If the car has been sitting all night it will uaually start right up.If I am starting and stopping the car it will not start about half the time.The engine turns over just fine but it will not fire up.The only way I can get it to fire is to hold the gas pedel to the floor and crank over the engine.I have to turn the engine over a long time before it begins to fire,then it runs very rough for about 20 seconds.

If anyone has any idea what this could be I would appriciate any help you are willing to give.

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How do I check to tell if the coolant temp sensor is bad?

Like Svxpert wrote, the symptoms are that of a failing temp sensor. It tells the ECU the engine is cold when in fact it is hot, ECU sends too much gas and floods the engine. That's why it idles rough for some time (time to get rid of excess fuel) and why it starts when you floor the pedal ( you give the cylinders more air and it compensate a bit for the excess fuel)

At 95, the sensor is due for a change anyway, it's not expensive and once it's out of the engine, I would just replace it.

If you insist on checking it I could give you the resistance/temp values tomorrow if nobody comes forward with this info today.

Good luck!

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I want to thank you guys for the reply.I have ordered a new coolant temp sensor its costing me $23.00 .You mentioned that its located on the right side by the crossover line.I am still not sure where this thing is located.I have followed the radiator line from the top of the radiator on the passenger side,I can see some kind of a sensor under the intake manifold.Is this the coolant temp sensor?

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You have a 2.2L engine.

Find the PCV valve, go down from there and towards the front of the engine uner the intake manifold on the right side (passenger). The sensor is screwed horizontaly under there from back to front. You'll see a wire going to it. Disconnect. It's a little cluttered in there and you will have to disconnect and/or put aside some vac hoses and some other wires. That done you only need a ratchet with the propre length extension and a deep socket. Use the new sensor to find the right socket size. A small amount of coolant with come out put a rag or paper towel in there to stop it till you're ready to put in the new sesnor.

Hope that helps.

On my 96 engine, there is only one coolant sensor for both the temps gauge and the fuel management. I would'nt think your 95 engine is different but not absolutely sure.

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