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I own a '99 Legacy Brighton with a 5sp. After spending some time reading, it seems as though I am experiencing torque bind. There is a LOUD clicking noise outside the car and a significant thumping felt in the steering column whenever I take tight turns (going either direction). This also becomes more noticable after the car has been driven for a while and is warmed up.


Is it possible to have torque bind with a manual tranny?

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You might want to check the CV axels first. Usually you hear a loud clicking or clunking noise when they start to go on you. They might be really bad if they are making the steering wheel move. The easiest way to check would be to turn the wheel to the extreme left or right, and look behind the tire at the axel, close to the wheel. If the rubber boot there is broken open, chances are that it is time to replace the CV axel. Expect to pay anywhere from $60-100 per axel, plus the core charge (refundable if you give the parts store the old axels). That's if you do it yourself. I don't know what a mechanic would charge for such a replacement, but it's fairly easy with the right tools and a haynes manual. Good luck and I hope you find the problem!


PS, I'm not sure if the torque bind is possible on the manual trannys, I thought it was an issue with the clutch pack on the autos going bad. If it is torque bind, that PROBABLY means a bad center differential, which is INSIDE the transmission. Don't take my word for it though. My subaru knowledge is a bit rusty right now.

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I've had both front axles replaced because I thought it was the CV joints. Unfortunately, that didn't fix it. :banghead: The mechanic I took it to called the dealership and was told that it could be a faulty viscous coupling. I am VERY hesitant to have anything else replaced until I am fairly certain it will get fixed, because that would mean some big bucks. :mad: Know what I mean?


Ok. 'Nother dumb question...what does TCU stand for? I have the Haynes manual for Legacy 90-98. My best guess is that its the electronic control module (ECM). Is that it? Or am I WAY off. :o

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I am just rabid to get this thing fixed.



Could it be that I need to change the fluid in my transmission? Or maybe it's low. I am SO not a mechanic and know just enough to make me dangerous. :eek::o


Do you think it's worth a shot?



Thanks again!


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Hmmm, then most likely it is a malfunction with the viscous coupling. That damn thing is a pain to replace, so your best bet would be to find a rebuilt or good used subaru tranny, and just replace the whole thing. You might as well, because the viscous coupling is not an external device to the tranny, it's INSIDE it.


As far as a tranny fluid change, The auto's have TWO dipsticks, one for the tranny fluid, and one for gear oil for the center diff (tranny fluid = hydraulic fluid, not oil). The manuals just need regular gear oil, I believe 75W90 or similar.


A fluid change might help, it might not. If it is indeed the viscous coupling, you will not feel a difference, because the VC has it's own special silicon based fluid that will change it's viscosity under sheer stress (english: it gets hard under pressure). This special fluid does not need to be changed, and you really can't change it anyway. So, I would say you can try the tranny fluid change, but make sure you do it at a dealership and not a Jiffylube. They might not know about Subaru transmissions using TWO types of fluids.


Uhm I believe TCU means Throttle Control Unit? I'm probably wrong though. What section in the haynes manual is it under? I don't have mine with me right now so I can't look it up.


I hope all this helps out, and I wish you luck with your tranny. I had to replace two myself, because some numbnut installed the wrong ratio rear differntial in my car, and it completely thrashed the center diff in both transmissions. Good thing I know more about subarus now.



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I am just rabid to get this thing fixed.



Could it be that I need to change the fluid in my transmission? Or maybe it's low. I am SO not a mechanic and know just enough to make me dangerous. :eek::o


Do you think it's worth a shot?



Thanks again!


Fluid change will not help, the VC is a sealed unit inside the tranny, it does not share fluid with the transmission/diff.



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  • 4 months later...

This torque bind is a crazy and temperamental little vice. I have a set of winter tires I put on my Legacy, and didn't really pay attention to the tread depth on them.


After I changed them this past winter, I heard a ticking sound, especially when stopping and turning to the right. I thought I had screwed up or missed something during the tire swapover (yea, fat chance of that happening:)).


After I looked at the tires, I noticed a very slight difference in wear between the two front tires. I swapped the front and rear passenger tires and voila, no clicking!

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