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Companies that use Subaru powerplants, helpful sites, etc


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  • 1 month later...
  Dr. RX said:
Thanks, I can use some of this info if I ever get around to installing a WRX engine into a Porsche 914.

That would be sweet!!!


Way back in 1979, I got to drive a 914 with a Chevy 327 shoehorned in the middle of it :brow: That car was a dream, big wheels, fender flairs, and a wing!

Oh yeah, it scooted rith along!




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  • 3 months later...

stumble upon this company while flipping through Hot VW's. looks like they deal mostly with sand rails, but the sell lots of fun engine stuff:clap: they sell turnkey motors ranging from 300-600hp. they don't list a price for the 600hp motor, but the 500hp version will run you $16 grand :eek:




thinkin' between 400-500hp would be fun in my bug :D

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  • 11 months later...
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  • 1 month later...
  Frank B said:
Years ago, when the USMB was young, there was an aviation website that offered subaru EA81/82 flanges to make your own intake and exhaust manifolds. Does anyone know who that was?


I wish I would have known this were possible. I had to make my intake flanges by hand using a dremmel tool and hack saw. about 7-8 hours of work.


I got my exhaust flanges from coneeng.com You can get collecters and bends there as well. That's where I got all my parts.

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  • 3 months later...

A bit further away, a company in New Zealand called SUB4 modifies EA81s (and probably other subaru engines) for Aero use. Their modified EA81 features a high compression cylinder head with twin ports for both intake and exhaust, twin spark per cylinder and a bunch of other goodies. I'm not sure on the prices, but when the Kiwi dollar weakens (which it unfortunately inevitabley will) it could possibly be an option for you US guys.










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From every thing I could find SUB4 is long gone out of business.

When there website was running I tryed to email them about a set of heads they never replyed.

There site is not working and most links apart from that one above do not work any more.

Even I think backinbrat got the last of the SUB4 Heads?

Edited by kiwi subbie
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  • 6 months later...

im lookign into sub4 cause they used to be big in england, possible it was another company but somone has a big supply of duel port and (i think) duel cam heads....


also a mod in NZ making EA82 duel cam, duel carb heads. wouldnt mind getting a set for my road car but you need to put water channels in them first

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  • 6 months later...
  • 9 months later...

These guys recently changed from a honda powerplant, to a soobie powerplant. This can go places no other soobie can go, and the many owners in Alaska love it for it's durability, and it's ability to go places nothing else can get to.


The best part is the price, a new soob for under $4k, but you probablly won't be driving it to work, unless there's a HUGE flood...yes, it's a boat. Here it is, the Mokai Jet Kayak, check it out.




Here's a short video showing it's abilities to go where no other boat can go, even through the back window of your truck if your not carefull. There is a little cursing in this video, drunk redknecks tend to have colorfull language.



After searching the forum to see if these have ever been mentioned, I thought you guys might like to know you can have a subaru powered boat that can take you to the only places your current subaru can't go, to the middle of the lake. These are praised as a simple, practical, go anywhere ATV for the water by their owners. Sounds a lot like how many of you describe your soobies. Hope you like it.

Edited by upDUHcreek
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