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rear wiper not working...please help


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I have run the wiper motor straight off the battery to check, and it works.

When I metre read the 4 connectors that connect to the motor. Green, Blue, Black, Black w/White stripe. The 2 Blacks give a reading of 12v but when I use the battery to test, it's the Black and Blue that make the motor turn.


Would this be faulty wiring or a faulty switch as the motor does work ?


Also the washer motor is also not responding...In the fuse box there is one fuse labeled wiper so I assume that these are on the same curcuit ???

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I had a similar problem on my 86 turbo wagon. really beat my head against the wall trying to find the problem turned out to be a break in the wires right where they transition from the car body to the hatch.


But since your washer motor is not responding I say that something is messed up with the switch, unless you have a 3door then I am not sure how those work?


Might want to put what year you are working with.

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Im having a problem with my wiper on my 84 wagon. It is almost like the motor doesnt have enough power to move the wiper itself. it will start to wiggle but it wont actually wipe. im out of ideas but i havent really tried that hard. it you anybody has any ideas let me know. sorry i didnt really help with your problem, but i just got to thinking.

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redrum3433 One time I stripped the splines on my rear wiper arm, the nut that holds the wiper arm on the motor came lose, then wiper arm + lots of snow = stipped spines, maybe yours is doing the same. It would kinda jerk around but didn't have the strength to do a full wipe. If that is not that case you might be looking at a new motor?

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