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Carb mod & loyale tranny story: TWO IN ONE!!!!!


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Well, two things happened today, I did the carb mod on my brat and the loyale's tranny had its final "problem".




I did the carb mod where you use a coat-hanger to make the secondary open at third throttle; I found out that the secondary vacuum actuator wasn't hooked up at all! It was running on the primary-only from before I owned it, the vacuum line to it and about 4 others were plugged by bolts, so I did the mod, and I used a small spring to keep it nice and tight, it works awesome! I can do above 70 on the highway now! And it can actually accelerate too!




I'll attach pics later, I used my dads old digi camera, don't know how to pull them off of it.






And now on a sad note, my loyale went through its last auto tranny. On the way to college in the morning, the transmission governor cored its gear so I had to go 1/2 the way in second. On the way back, I was doing only 50, I started to smell auto tranny smoke, I looked back and a plume of it was coming out the back and it began to fill the interior too, I had only a few miles left, so I rolled down the windows and floored it, racing along at 65 like kamikaze on a dive, leaving a trail of atf fluid behind me. Oh, if only "Flight of the valkiries" was playing on the radio, it would have been perfect.




It gave out completely about a half-mile from my off-ramp, rolling to a stop by the side of the road; I called my dad on my cell and had him pick me up. A little later a friend of my paps got it with his tow-truck.




It is ripe for a manual conversion now, one day, the "Kamikaze Royale" will fly again.




That is the best I have ever written, and it’s true too.








P.S. it went through 2 auto trannys, and 3 governor gears. in the 8 months I have owned it

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