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Hi All,


I run a Subaru RX Turbo rally car but have just blown 3rd gear.


I don't think the gearbox internals are RX but I need to know what they are so I can get replacement bearings and cogs. Think they could be 1989 Legacy/Liberty gears. It is a 3.9 diff.


Can anyone tell from these pictures what they are?

Can Legacy gear sets be put straight into EA gearboxes?


More pictures are here


Your help will be greatly appreciated,


:confused: Andrew :confused:





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Yeah that looks like a legacy box. there should be some numbers on the outside of the transmission which should help identify it. That number will be on the top of the bell housing on the left side if you're looking at the back of the transmission.

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  Legacy777 said:
Yeah that looks like a legacy box. there should be some numbers on the outside of the transmission which should help identify it. That number will be on the top of the bell housing on the left side if you're looking at the back of the transmission.



The case is still an EA82 case from the original L Series RX Turbo so I can't tell just frmo the case. Apparently the Legacy series gearsets are a straight swap into the older case though and I guess that is what they have done.


Just need to find out what models came with the 3.9 ratio to work out what they have swapped in. Apparently no Turbo Legacy models came with the 3.9 so it is probably from a N/A Legacy.


Any more information would be greatly appreciated if you have any more thoughts on it.





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I'm not sure what the gear ratios were like overseas, but the turbo legacies in the states got 3.90 final drive ratio.


However.....that really doesn't matter. The differential is staying the same. You're just replacing the gear sets. You can do whatever you want with the gear sets. You can remove the drive pinion shaft from the driven shaft. These scans may help show what I'm talking about




here's the main shaft


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Hi Josh,



That was exactly what I was wanting to hear. There I was getting fixed on EJ bokes that have 3.9 and I didn't even need to worry. It's brilliant that the EJ and EA gearboxes are pretty much the same appart frmo the bell housing and the bearing slots.


Thanks heaps,



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