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Any of you HPers got photos you'd like on the HP Site? Post em here

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If I can squeeze some time out of my busy life I could do it for you. As long as you don't need to much other than pictures and information updates. I already spend 8 hours a day on the computer + 8 hours a day working. Hmm hell whats another hou or two more on the computer I really didn't need to sleep that much any ways.

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Yes, i'm in.
Cool Tex, I'm waiting for Ken to give me work on how to get in.





ALSO. Do any of you Hatch Patrollers have photos you'd like to have on the site for members' rides? Or cool action or group photo shots? Post 'em here, we'll grab 'em.

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Cool, I thought Chris your son had them. . . been a while.




Tex, call me when you get a break, maybe we can meet at yours or my house to go over what I've got in mind. Maybe jsut a phone call after work would work too.

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If you'd like, i can help setup a gallery like i have on USMB.net. Subarutex uses the same gallery software so he could probably do it as well.


As far as actual web design, i dont think i'll have time to help with anything like that. I can help come up with graphic logos and edit images if you'd like.


Email me Eric if you need further assistance or to swap idea's.



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Once it's updated etc, may I suggest a "places to play" section (similar to what Jared has on his site.) We could have major destinations as well as local mudholes and such.

Good idea Mike. Although the idea of putting my "favorite fishing hole" on line is kinda. . . Remember how the Hobit Trail looked the first time we sent thru it? You should see the highway that's there now. lol Good to see you lurking too buddy.




I'll be in touch Brian.

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I'll definately need to setup the gallery software on it, as there is no other effecient way to host a lot of pictures. It needs to be known also, that MB size of the Hatchpatrol site is about half what my site is. They are hosted on the same platform. We will have to be stingy about what photo's to put up, unless someone wants to foot the bill to upgrade the site to a bigger hosting size.


Eric, i'll be in touch.

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I grabbed about 70 photos from my computer. Still need to grab abunch more. Can you host that many Junkie? Anybody?



Also. Anybody who wants links to your Subaru website added, put them here.

Thanks for the help and offers of help too.

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Eric, we will be able to host them. I know on my site, i ran into an issue of running out of space, so I reduced the size/quality of pics. That gave me about 1/3rd more room. I'm sure a lot of your pictures aren't as big and high quality as mine were, so I think we'll be ok.


Ken, I'm going to get into contact with the hosting provider and see what it would cost to bump up the size to what I have... or look over any other options.


Right now we are getting a pretty good deal, since i'm getting 50% off the cost of hosting because of my affiliation with another board. I pay $11.95 collectively for both sites a month.

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I have 700MB of space that is unused becuase we switched the USMB Gallery to this new platform. If you guys need space, let me know and you gotit.


I agree with Tex, the Gallery software is the only way to host multiple images and keep them organized in a easy to view way.


If you look at www.subaru4wd.net now, you'll notice most of the links point to gallery folders cause i got too lazy and 98% of my page is mostly pix anyhow.


Jared has a great page put together with trails and ratings. It takes alot of mantime to upkeep a page like that though and I agree with Eric on revieling the secret fishin holes.


Although you guys got a TON of great pictures and footage that needs to be seen :)


Also, the hatchpatrol page will probably boost your Video sales about 300% Eric :)



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Check that out Eric. Might be alittle over your head but what it is, is a Content Management System for webpages. Lets you activly edit, add and remove data from your webpage all via the web. You setup user's like you would with the message board, or the gallery etc... and then those users have access to changing the information your webpage has.


I sent a link to Tex. Im going to be installing it on USMB.net to test it, and might end up using it myself.


They have a live demo on their page that you can play with. It looks pretty versitile, oh and did i mention it was free?



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We'll be putting it together tonight. POST 'EM or get left out.





How does one become a member??? My hatch says HATCH__TROL across the windshield (the "P"&"A" fell off) but I doubt that makes me a member.

Come with us on one of our outings. Lemme ask the higher ups if they think plying with us in the mud hole at WCSS6 qualifies. :)

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hey Zap look on the first page for me even though it's not much offroad per se but hey I am one of the members for way back and still am cause of the 76 and soon to be another 78 owner :)

I saw your post. Pick one you want on the site. Also. Won't be plugging anybody for the photos. So find one not owned by Rabbitblahblah. :)

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