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car body weight

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I just finished stripping my 86 3-door down to the body and winshield. The body weighs notmore than maybe 400 lbs. I can pick the front up off the ground and lift it a good 3ft in the air, with only the back touching, same with the back end. i was amazed at the lack of weight that holds the car togeter. I can see why people strip their cars before racing them. There is only the left foot rest left inside the body, and i want to remove it, but I can't figure out how.

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I sold my body or 3/4 of it to the recycle folks and it weighed #440. I think when you add the whole body in it would weigh in the #550+ zone.


What are you doing to this poor subie? :confused:



82 SubaruHummer--use to be able to lift the tube frame w/axles before it was finished.

01 Forester L--#3170 on the scale.

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yea what are your plans? you just bored?? :) whats left on it, hood? fenders?doors? because they obviously hold the car together too. so does your windshield.

I just stripped my hatch, of unnecisary items of course, all the suspension parts are on and the windows too, but everything in the inside is gone. and there is definately more to come.

ps what the hell is a foot rest? i mean, i know your foot rests on it, :rolleyes: but well i dont seem to have a removable one myself. pic?

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The foot rest is a block attached to the firewall to the left of the clutch so that when your left foot is not working the clutch it has a convienient place to rest. hence the label "foot rest", possibly incorrect but made sense to me.


The car is chained into the bucket of our tractor right now, ready to be deposited onto the flatbed to teh junkyard. Its sad to see it go, but it really has no redeming value. I stripped it down so that all that is going with the monocoche <sp?> is the winshield, gas tank, vaccume line for the booster, carpet, and the two rear side windows. Everything else got removed and stored in my shed. Never know when I might pick up another 3-door (or RX :) ). The engine and tranny had only 93k on them, but the body had huge amounts of rust. Can you say flinstone car? Rocker panels? what rocker panels? Car looked perfect till you looked underneath. All for the want of a regular car wash. note location of resedense.


The foot rest has its traction part glued to it, It may break while you're tprying at it with a screwdriver, but there are three 10mm bolts under neath that hold it on. It will be going in my loyale.

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Foot rest don't come off, it's bent metal of the floorboard (well, not REALLY the floor board, but if you're taking it apart, you know what i mean-) It's not bolt on or nothing, it's a piece of the body.

I will get a pic sometime, but basicly it's a warp thatlevels with the petals (i don't know if it's solely in automatic-i think it is) but your left foot rests on it so you can sit with both your legs bent the same way (not like old Skool where you have to put your knee bent and flat foot on the floor mat).

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Hmm... we must not be seing the same thing, cause the footrest is on a manual, was put on after the carpet was installed and definiately bolts to teh firewall. Its a black plastic block with diamond tractiony surface on it. Its in an EA82 body, that may be a confusion. Its going to get installed in my loyale, which has the threaded holes, but not the footrest.

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Sorry to see your car go...


Mine left on a trailer...


I had the exact same problem with my 82. I could pull a Flintstone to stop! The top side was Sweet!


No Worries!


The Boys down under helped me to give it a new life as a RhinoBuggy.



Build one!


82 SubaruHummer

01 Forester

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