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After 2 years of owning this car, I finally found the diagnostic connectors under the dash. I installed a d/t d/p toggle switch so I can access the codes without taking off the lower panel. I get a code 22 on U check but nothing in D check mode. I checked my repair manual and it states that the intake manifold needs to be removed to replace the Knock sensor. Is this correct? The car runs great @ 172000 miles but I see that alot of people on this site say there is a problem with them. I love this car and plan to run it until the wheels fall off. Thanks, Keith

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You can replace it without removing the manifold! A 10 inch extension on your socket driver should be enough. The hard part is disconnecting the wire and connecting it again..


Don't tighten the new sensor too hard. Just use a "firm hand" and stop when you feel resistance to further rotation. Kinda like spark plugs.

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Thanks to everyone that replied. I see now that it is accessable without removing the manifold. 1 more question. I still have a code 22. My repair manual states that to check the knock sensor. check the resistance to ground and there should be none. I get no continuity at all. I can see that the plastic is cracked on the top of the sensor. should I replace it? Thanks, Keith

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Really, if you have the grey connector, you should replace it regardless. If yours is cracked (which doesn't surprise me), then you should definitely replace it. The white one is updated to be more resistant to cracking, and is also not oversensitive as the grey one is.


Make sure when you change it that you have a long magnet grabber/reacher thingy, as you will most likely drop the bolt down on the block where you can't reach it any other way.

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