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Where to get oil filters online?

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I don't know if there is any significant price savings from buying them on-line as they are pretty much available anywhere, and I do not myself go for a "genuine" replacement filter. Also, shipping would add to the cost.



I get mine from NAPA which are manufactured by WIX. I also have a friend who works there which will get me a case cost. A lot cheaper than $11.00 each. They also have replacement washers for the drain plug. Take your plug to correctly match the size.



Do this with my "other" cars as well..................

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There's also eBay. There's a guy who sells Nippon Oil Filters. I have bought them before, not too bad. The filter are very solid and look to be well made. I changed the oil over a month ago in both my Sube's and the oil is still golden. I will be back to the eBay guy and buy more. Overall I spent about $20.00 for 4 filters. Not too bad, I think.

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