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Transmision Question.....

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Ok, call me Crazy if you will, but I am going to attempt to open the manual 5 speed transmission from my 86' XT turbo, to replace the 2nd gear syncro, and the axle shaft seals. My question is, is there anything I need to know before I crack this baby open (aside from remember how everything goes back together)? Stuff like if I open it, something will fall out, break, etc. And, has anyone else done this succesfully before???


Just wanted to know before I open it and make a fool out of myslef, or end up having to spend MORE money.





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DOne a few gearboxes, but not a subaru one. Generaly fairly straight forward, if you have the right bearing pullers. There shouldn't be anything that will fall out. (More likely have to beat everything out with a large hammer!!)

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Ross: That's kinda what I was thinking, but wasn't sure. I am going to get some diagrams from the dealer, and that should help me out a lot.



Pat: Thanks, I'm glad you got that out of the way! Ha! :drunk:


Thanks, anymore replys are VERY helpful!!!!!!!!




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Take pictures as you disassemble it.


Watch for little balls and pins, when you lift the gearstacks and such out they can fall out and be very easy to not notice.


You need a press to do this job. If you don't have one don't crack the case open, just take it to a professional that has rebuilt the Subaru tranny's before.


Just dont lose any of the pieces and disassemble it in an organized fashion. If you run into trouble send me a PM and I can find out what it would cost to have it finished.

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I see. I kinda have a press designed that I can make, but need to see the gear assembly before I can make it....if not maybe I can just take the whole gear set somewhere, and have them put the new synchro in for me.





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