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HVAC Lights, How warm do yours get?

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I just replaced the bulbs in my "Hazard Warning Flasher" and "Rear Window Demist" switches. They have never lit up during my time with the car.


I got the new bulbs from a Mitsubishi dealer because that's closest. I have no idea what wattage the old bulbs were, or what the new ones are. But the switches are getting very warm! If this is normal wattage, no wonder these bulbs burn out so quickly.

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Mine have never lit up in the two weeks that Ive owned the sub....until yesterday after replacing all of them. I didnt check the temp but will do next time I run it at night. Boy....its nice being able to see the controls at night....woohoo

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I have the brighton model, i don't think mine are able to l

ight up. can some one tell me if mine can light up? Please?

They light up on my 96 Brighton, but I had to replace them when i got the car used in 2000.

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