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Emergency fasher

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I found the fuse blown on the emergancy frasher and after replacing it the flasher worked, along with annoying door buzzer, but my turn signals would not work. The only way to get my turn signals to work was to pull the fuse. Also, if I pushed the emerg. button in again (with the fuse out) the turn signals would stop working again??

Anway. there is a abvious connection but without a schematic it hard to determine where to start. Can someone give me a stating place and maybe where I can get a schematic on line?? Thanks.


PS does anyone know where that door buzzer is!!!!

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First off its not a fasher nor a frasher problem, as you may have figured out its a flasher problem. This car was wrecked and rebuilt but the only thing that seems to be wrong is the wiring. I dont think the "group" that rebuilt it were good at wiring. Anyway, I have run this car this way for 2 years. Who needs emerg. flashers anyway..

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The key chime plug would be most easily found by taking the covers off the steering column. Then find what may be a green plug with 2 wires to it coming from the ignition switch. Not a big plug with 8 wires or so but the smaller.

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