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ATTN: Portland, Vancouver, Salem, and surrounding area members

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it's rather simple really head up I-5 to the I-205 jct. then take 205 up to Stark street exit and take that then when you get up to stark take a left and then a couple blocks the pizzaria will be on the left hand side


that's why we chose something easy to get to but who knows if everyone wants to trek down to Salem for a meeting later on we could always goto Wally's over in West Salem ;) don't worry I used to live in Mt.Angel untill 2000 (10 years living there and then also Keizer and silverton for another 5 years)

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For those who function on hard numbers and not landmarks and such:


Stark Street Pizza

9234 SE Stark St

Portland, OR


(this location should be easy to get to regardless of coming from the gorge, vancouver, beaverton, gresham, portland or eugene...)


Sounds like we have support so far for the 16th... any other yay's or nay's??

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REvised due to ice, I know we can all get there, we have Subarus, however... the parking lot will be a solid sheet of ice, (and its SLOPED!) and there are alot of dumb drivers out there.


Therefore I agree with Jason that we should postpone it




Postponed til some...


Sunday at 4:15 PM at Stark Street Pizza.


come one come all :)


I will even buy beer for afew of you that I owe :drunk:

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  Flowmastered87GL said:
Still on


Sunday at 4:15 PM at Stark Street Pizza.


come one come all :)


I will even buy beer for afew of you that I owe :drunk:

What an ice storm! Slip and slide... I want to join your Subaru club but might not be able to make it to your Pizza meeting. I have two early 80's subs that are off road only. One is a 82 wagon that I have shortened approx 2 feet thus SU ba RU "SURU". The other is a 83 2 door hatch under constrution.

P.S. My boy hates pizza but loves root beer and Subarus



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ok just left a message with Richie asking if we should go on with the show or should we postpone it till like next weekend due to this storm


If anyone wants to postpone it for one week then we should do that so everyone can make it including me (wife is a lil freaky with me on ice I dunno why though :rolleyes::lol: )

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Just want to make sure people see this:


The meet is postponed now for safety.


I know we could all get there if we tried, but the other yahoo's in FWD cars and SUV's make take us out.


Also the parking lot is sloped and icy, I delivered pizza all day yesterday and didnt fall, I dont want to start now.


I havn't called the place, but there is no guarantee that they are even open.


So postponed unless we get a major thaw in the next few hours (which I doubt)


Maybe we can shoot for next week (we can discuss it later this week)

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