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1988 DL wont start... any ideas?

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The car didnt have any starting problems until 3 days ago... it tries to turn over but doesnt start.


I took off the spark plug wires and checked for spark onto the plugs, and nothing.


I then took off the coil wire to check for spark, and nothing.


The lights still work, and my amplifiers still turn on.


What I cant figure out, is the coil the culprit to the problem, and can a coil just say bye-bye so quickly? Or could it be something deeper? I was told by someone else, that it may be the "computer" which is an expensive, could it be that?


I've driven a 1985 Ford Tempo for 5 years... this is my first import. I totalled the Tempo with 295k miles on it... and bought the Subaru for $1500. It's a wonderful car, and it only has 98,000 miles! I dont think this car is ready to be junked yet... or am I wrong?


Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)

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I musta skimmed over the no spark from the coil thingy....maybe your coil is bad..



start simple ..go from there. also check the wires going to it all..could have a broken one or bad corrosion somewhere along the line. I bought a car once for $25 (it was worth alot more) due to a similar problem and all it was..was a broken wire on the coil.

Good Luck!!

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Start Like this....


First pop the cap off your Distributor.....have someone turn the motor over and you watch to see if the rotor inside turns....If it does go to the next step....If it does not, you chucked your timing belt on the driver side...( it turns the disty) if it broke and disty is stationary, you will have no spark.....


Step 2 ( assuming ) Disty turns..... Put cap back on distributor......Turn ignition off Pull coil Wire off at cap hold it about 1/4 inch from any good Chassis ground

Turn ignition on and back off several times.....should get one good electrical snap....each time you went on then off....??? if You did, turn engine over and check for repeated fire......If you did not get any kind of snap, check fuses as well as wiring from disty to Coil.....


If you got one good snap each time, but not repeated on turn over, Disty pick up in the bottom of disty is Grunged up or bad.....


Do all this and Let me know what you come up with....:)


Hope this helps you, John

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Along with the other suggestions I would suggest placing a test light on the plus side of the coil, turn the key to the on position and see if you have voltage getting to that point. If so, then check the coil minus side, you should have voltage there also. If you don't have voltage on the minus side then remove the wires from that connection and recheck for voltage. If you still have no voltage then the coil is open and will need to be replaced.


If the coil is ok there may be a problem with the pickup in the distributor. Also make sure the coil body ground connection is ok. You can prove the coil operation by placing a lead on the minus side of the coil. With the ignition on, quickly tap and remove the other end of the jumper to ground (keep your fingers insulated from the wire while doing this to avoid a shock). If the coil is ok you will get spark to the plugs. This will mean there is a pick up problem. Some cars use a transistor mounted on the distributor to do the switching I believe.

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Did you check fuses under the dash....?


Also check fusible Links out by the battery......I can't remember if ignition shares a Link with other things or not....?


If Fuses all Check out ok, As Couger Said take a test probe and Check for power at the coil.......hook to ground and Touch first the + side of the coil with ignition off then on...with ignition on, you should have power.....if you do, go to other side of coil and with power on you should have power as well.....If you do


HAve someone turn the car over again....You should get a Pulsing light out of the probe on the Neg side of the coil....If you don't try the Positive side.....


If neither Side produce a Pulsing light , the issue is in your disty's pick up unit in the bottom of the disty.....


If you didn't get power out of the probe test on one or both sides at the coil, then your power wire to the coil is Messed up somewhere......:(


Let me know, John

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