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!!!!!I need some help!!!!!!


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I would generally agree with the "hands-off" approach to carb work if you aren't experienced, as they can be screwed up. However, there are a couple of things you can do that are pretty hard to screw up (no offense to you, this is about all I would feel safe doing as well).


Go buy a top gasket and accelerator pump for your carburetor, a couple cans of good carb cleaner, and a can of spray lubricant. After disconnecting the required hoses and linkages, emove the carb top, which is held on by several screws and set it aside, being careful not to lose any of the bits attached to it. Carefully peel/scrape the old gasket off and remove the acclerator pump as well as its boot and check ball (DON'T drop the ball down the carb!). Use a rag and cleaner to remove any sediment from the float bowl, making sure not to accidentally push bits into any orifii. Next, spray carb cleaner into any jets, venturi, or other holes that fuel is supposed to go through in both the carb body and top. After doing that, reassemble the carb. Stick the new acclerator pump check ball and plunger into its hole and install the new boot in the carb top. Put the new gasket on and stick the top of the carburetor back on. Reconnect any hoses and linkage, pour a bottle of fuel system cleaner into the gas tank, fire it up, and adjust your idle speed and mixture settings.

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And whatever you do, DO NOT turn carb upside down to clean it out. Stuff gets stuck in the jets and you will have serious issues. Ask Austin about turning your carb upside down. Big no no. Other than that, carbs are not too hard to take apart. Putting them back together on the other hand (just kidding, tee hee hee). Jusk keep track of all of the little stuff.

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Yep, little springs, check balls, and various widgets can come spewing out of a carb that you are taking apart, and usually when you least expect it.


And, I like to stuff a rag into the carb barrels whenever they see daylight to prevent little objects from falling in and requiring major work to retrieve.

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