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Minnesota Holiday Meet & Greet

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We have a special guest coming in from the Hatch Patrol in WA! Would be great if we could all get together for another MN Meet. Here are some dates; please vote on which one works best for you!


Monday, 27 DEC 04

Tuesday, 28 DEC 04

Wednesday, 29 DEC 04

Thursday, 30 DEC 04

Friday, 31 DEC 04 (New Years Eve)

Saturday, 01 JAN 05 (New Years Day)

Sunday, 02 JAN 05


Last meet we had a dozen people and 6 subarus. Hopefully we have just as many or more this time! Would love to see a Brat there or something older than '84 :drunk: No requirments to come; just show up! Does'nt mater if you are unlifted in a 2WD automatic Justy!!!! Hell we even let the Jeep guy stay last time! :lol:


Come on down MN Subaru duders !_!

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  MorganM said:
Would love to see a Brat there or something older than '84 :drunk: No requirments to come; just show up! Does'nt mater if you are unlifted in a 2WD automatic Justy!!!! Hell we even let the Jeep guy stay last time! :lol:


its just sad that I am flying over!! otherwise, you would see the '80 GL-EJ22 wagon!!!


I think I will be with either a Jeep, or a Toyota (not sure which one we will be in yet)

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Hey guys, Sunday the 2nd would be good for me, where would we meet?


crap, it's looking like I'm going to be out of town that day probably leaving new years eve for vancouver, then whislter/blackcomb :brow:


as for location, we could meet anywhere in the cities, morgan, tony, what do you guys think?

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No promisses, but New Years day might work for us.


But I was hoping for just a little bit of discretion to keep the riff raff out.....LOL


  MorganM said:

No requirments to come; just show up! Does'nt mater if you are unlifted in a 2WD automatic Justy!!!! Hell we even let the Jeep guy stay last time! :lol:

Come on down MN Subaru duders !_!

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So far it looks like SAT 02 JAN might work the best? Time; how about 12noon till... whenever? Location I thought the pizza shop worked pretty well. Plenty of parking space and pizza on hand. Also just a few blocks away from some trails if we wanted to fling some snow. I could get more specific directions for those coming outside the cities.

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SAT 01 JAN works fine for me; how about everyone else? I know yes ppl will prolly be partied out but ya dont have to get up early :) We could do it at say 1:00 after noon?


How about we vote on it. I'd like to include as many ppl as possible!


SAT, 01 JAN 05

SUN, 02 JAN 05


MorganM: 01

mschafe: 01

Chef Tim: 01

elcaminokurt: 01

Austin: 01

Chux: 01 (tenative)

Legacytuner: 01


.... sounds like SAT. 01 JAN is the weiner! :-p

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I'm still not sure, the 1st will be much harder than the 2nd (annual family new years party, but I may be able to get out of it), but we may be leaving town before that, so it's still up in the air, but if I'm there, there will be the usual posse of 5 or 6 people (who may come anyway).

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  Numbchux said:
I'm still not sure, the 1st will be much harder than the 2nd (annual family new years party, but I may be able to get out of it), but we may be leaving town before that, so it's still up in the air, but if I'm there, there will be the usual posse of 5 or 6 people (who may come anyway).

Would be great to have you there... maybe you could tell them you will be at the party but want to attend this for 2 or 3 hours?


Everyone that came last time is welcome; they all seemed to have some fun and we all got along well. Hardly any Jeep comments were made :grin:

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Saturday the 1st works for me! (and Austin!)


Although... I am unsure where this pizza place is...so if that is to be our meeting place, it would be very nice if someone could post directions of some sort! :) or if it is up to some improvisation..we could meet at "Water into Coffee," which is a coffee shop ( :-p ) in the Excelsior/Tonka Bay area that could also work...just a suggestion!

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  Freddie said:
Excelsior/Tonka Bay area

Is that were you're at? If so, this pizza shop is on the complete other side of the cities from us, we could caravan over, it's actually alot easier to find than I thought it would be.


well, I'm out of the party, and it looks like we won't be going on a ski trip :(, but that means I'll probably be there


we can work out the details as the time approaches

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  Numbchux said:
Is that were you're at? If so, this pizza shop is on the complete other side of the cities from us, we could caravan over, it's actually alot easier to find than I thought it would be.


well, I'm out of the party, and it looks like we won't be going on a ski trip :(, but that means I'll probably be there


we can work out the details as the time approaches

That sucks about the ski trip but hopefully some fun in the snow with Subarus will cheer you up :D
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Turitto's Pizza

6611 E Concord Blvd

Inver Grove Heights, MN 55076 - 4201

(651) 455-6363


On I-494 exit off at Concord Blvd.

Take Concord Blvd. south into Invergrove Heights.

On your right you will see a yellow sign for Turitto's Pizza and Subs.

On the left accross the rail road tracks is King of Diamonds.

Pull into the pizza shop lot and park by the funny looking Subarus :drunk:


For those who are like me and prefer maps : (sorry about all the side scrolling)





Narrowed down; note the exit is highlighted:



Zoomed in. Note the offroad trails by DQ:



That's a rough sketch of how the trails are laid out. It's more extensive than that but I can't remember very little turn and off-shoot trail. If the weather aint too bad we might just have to go and fling some snow! :brow:

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