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I just replaced the O2 sensor in my 90 legacy wagon and it is running pretty good but now it is giving me the 42 code. WTF! What is it and what does it do? How do I fix it? What will it do or not do untill I can fix it?


Thanks everyone for looking. I appreciate everyones input. Even if it is to say I am SOL!


What does the Subaru God (Josh) have to say?

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42: Idle switch, Abnormal voltage input entered from idle switch.

Fail safe is to Judge OFF operation.


That is from Legacy777's page, BTW. . .


From that I would guess that you have a bad idle switch. Is the car idling badly?

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Here's my yet-to-fail fix for that code.


Swap throttle bodies. Pull one from a junkyard. I have swapped throttle bodies on my car to have one that still has its factory settings (I played with stopscrews when I was younger :-\ ). Then I did the same with a coworker's 92 Legacy who had the same code. Problem fixed.


The idle switch is built into the TPS, which is on the passenger side of the throttle body. The TPS is set from the factory in a certain position, you can see the white marks on the screws. It's best not to mess with that, so if you just swap the whole thing, you won't have that problem.

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Test the idle switch in the TPS.


Follow this procedure



Here's the preceeding info, which tells you which pins are which




If it's out of spec, adjust it so the readings are in spec, clear the codes, and see if you still get the code.

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Even if those tests check out, you still might try subyluvr2212's suggestion. In my experience, the idle switch code is sometimes thrown when there's an inappropriate load on the TPS power supply, and that can be caused by something weird in the TPS.

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