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Fuel Cell Q's


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I might want to install a fuel cell in my brat, but have a couple of questions first. Does a fuel cell mounted in a brat HAVE to be mounted near the front of the bed? Can it be placed nearer to the tailgate and have the same affect? Does a fuel cell act IN ACCORDING WITH or INSTEAD OF my original gas tank? Thanks a bunch guys.

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Scott, subarubrat, has one in his BRAT also. subarubrat.com Look under the My BRAT section listed on the leftside of the page.


You'll want to remove your original tank, and plumb in the cell. Not 100% on this, but don't think there's a gauge hook up on them.


Thinking along the same line for the '82. Could use it's tank for in the '84, as it leaks if I fill it over 3/4 mark. Plus gauge unit is shot.

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i would only want it right behind the cab. one:its the safest spot to be protected from an impact. 2: center of gravity. it would feel wierd driving it if you had 200lbs hanging out past the rear wheels. and it would mess with your front end traction, as less weight would be on your front wheels.


other than that, plumbing it would be easy. with our inline stock fuel pumps it makes it easy. also stick your pump in the bed, to protect it from offroading.

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I've heard that some states have laws prohibiting fuel cells. Anyone know more about that issue?

I would not hesitate to contact your state Dept. of Transportation or State Patrol. If they do not have the answers they will know who would.

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just about how much would one of these fuel cells cost..? and what type of fuel cell would you need for the subie..?

Summit has quite a few from about 119 up to about 320. Heres a link:




As for weight issues, I was going to install one in my Brat, so wouldn't I WANT more weight in the rear? I DO agree with it being out of the way, so maybe I could conceal it with something or something.

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thnks for the link. do u have a roll bar.. if you do i guess you could put it underneath that and put like um a spare tire on the roll bar to conceal it a little bit :rolleyes:

I do have a rollbar, but I also have the seats in the back. I was just thinkin of having one put in so I could go out wheelin for a few days on end this summer without having to come back to refuel. I DO live in Nevada, close to the deserts, so I just don't want to run out of gas out in the middle of nowhere. I want my Brat to be a multi-person car - I want to fit 4 not just 2.

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Holy simultaneous post. Weird!
Drunk minds Do think alike!


So I decided to use a fuel cell because I wanted my spare mounted in the bed and I had to drop the tank inorder to do it, so while the tank was out, I saw how much lighter the back end was. It also made cense to place the weight closer to the cab and more centered over the rear axle.

I got the Summit 10m gal aluminum w/foam

summit part #SUM-290210

and used Russell -8an 90 deg. line fittings that came from Jegs.com


I also used a fuel pump bracket from a '81 wgn that mounts the pump in the engine compartment.

Since the cell is sumped I had to raise it 2" off the bed rather than cut the bed for the low spot. For this I used 2" PVC couplers from the hardware store. It's pretty easy from there, fuel to the carb, fuel return to the cell. I did use a 3/8 to 1/4 reducer in the return line underneath, at the bulkhaed, to go from the -8an fuel cell fitting (3/8) to the hard line (1/4).


I've only had two problems so far, on step uphill angles I get fuel starve at less then 1/3 tank (you can hear it in this vid http://www.mesastate.edu/%7Edsleeper/mvi_0575.avi), and because the cell is about the same hight as the carb I get a gravity effect in the return line that makes it run rich (not enough return pressure). I'm thinking I'll run a hard line to the non tipover stop valve port on the top of the cell and cap the bottom outlet.


As for running it as a secondary fuel tank, it should work as long as you get the plumbing right with the fuel separater. I pulled mine, along with all the other emmissons crap, but I don't have to pass any testing up here.

I don't think that I would put any passengers in the back with a fuel cell. Seems alittle risky to me, but I guess if they don't smoke it might be OK.

Thats my 2cents, hope it helps

Oh and I've got some good pics of the cell but the file size is too big so I can email them if anyone cares.

here's a lousy pic of his brat & fuel cell.
I think thats a killer pic!
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nice brat.. big rock.. did u let it go back down or is that the fuel cell starving the engine causing you to go down..?

The FI wagon didn't have any problems....:D

Oh and I've got some good pics of the cell but the file size is too big so I can email them if anyone cares.
Microsoft released some cool add-ons for XP, one of them allows you to resize images by simply rightclicking the file. It usefull ifin you wanna post such images and don't wanna deal with an editor.


Can be d/led here, along with other cool stuff like a graphing calculator to replace the standard windows deal. Tweak UI is essential as well.

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I never made it up, in fact I hung up on my frame rails because the Brats not lifted and had to be pushed off backwards. Fuel starve was the main problem on the first try though. Problem is, if I rally with too much fuel in the cell, it tends to weep out of the vents when I highside or hit the step stuff. It's just a matter of finding the right fuel level for rallying.


Oh and thanks for the link S.T.

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Wasteland Subaru - Thanks a bunch for the help. That helps me a lot. I'll see how it works out.



Singletrack - Thanks a MILLION for that link to the microsoft site, I've been looking for that for EVER!


Thanks guys, you've been a big help.:)

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Are you talking about the kind of fuel cells that race cars use, you know, the kind with reinforced-heavy-duty neoprene sack inside of a stainless steel housing? If so, then mount; guessing here people, as far forward and as close to your bed as possible, try to center as much weight as possible between your axles (front-back), and try to keep weight of fuel as low as possible to not help you on your way to a roll-over. Just my part.






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