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Offroad Soobie pic of the year?


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  SakoTGrimes said:
I have video of this. The GL wagon in the air that is. Guy named Fossil did on accident then drew a crowd for round 2. I'm surprised noone has posted this one yet. Can't remember who I swiped it from but I credit them anyway!


That would indeed be Austin. That would be EDRach and his brat in the background. I was there. Somewhere, I have Qman doing the same.

Here's another one of Austin from that same day, different place.






Here's one that when posted it on the AU board made everybody claim "bitsa". lol Adding a bumper, lift kit, carb or motor transplant, big tires and after market wheels is allowed in AU, but once you add a transfer case, they claim it's not a Soob any more. :lol:


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i know it's not mine but i saw this over at hatch patrol and i thought it needed some publicity.




having a subie in that kinda situation,it's gotta be cool.plus the driver has got to have a set.

looks like it could of been a roll over case.

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  subie94 said:
ok that's just way too COOL!!! makes great background pic.inspirational,lets ya know exactly what theses lil'subies can do :banana::headbang:

Or not... Have you seen a "after" shot? Hahaha


Heres the latest, and first offroading I've done.


Thats the camera man in the way... (got some funny footage of that trip)


Its not moving... Oh no....... I got it stuck. I had to jack the left side up and pull out the rocks that it was sitting on. Then I done that same thing in a different place 3 hours later! ahahaha

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waaaahhh..... I didn't know about the contest. Been too busy to check in. Here's one I thought would be good.




And for nostalgia, From several years ago, a cozy shot from the inside after a hike getting some hot soup when the temp dropped and the rain came in.





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Here's my anual submission to Suby Pic of the Year. Taken this year in April at the MN 4WD Association annual event. There was a black diamond hill climb to get to the top of this platue. The image is not photoshoped; the dirt really is this red!





I'll submit the next one on Archemitis behalf. Just came out of one of the mud holes. Same time, same event, just later that day. The mud was an interesting orange color and consistancy of molten clay.



Here's a close up of the rocks we roll on up north! Nice sharp, jagged, rocks that love gashing side walls! If only they were all as small as this one :P


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