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Is this turbo too big

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I talked to Tom of Techworks last week and he spoke of a list of turbos that our setups (Techworks setup) would be compatible with. He's going to send the list since there was a bunch of sizes (VF series, Garrets, IHIs, etc) that I can't remember. Currently, I'm getting a GT17 setup. I'm not sure if he was speaking of just the GT17 setup or our setups as a whole.


Then I mentioned a Garret T3/T04E to him and I remember him laughing. I can't remember exactly what his comment was after that since I was at work and things where happening around me.


I currently have a rebuilt Garret T3/T04E sitting in my garage from a Ludespeed turbokit I had on my Outback Sport. I still have the uppipe and downpipe that may be able to be modified to fit if I end up not getting or selling the Techworks setup. Plus, I'm pessimistic and I can't see me receiving the Techworks setup until sometime in the summer at least because that's how things seem to happen when I get really excited about it. :(


So, is this turbo to big for an RX turbo? I know someone else here have probably used this turbo on their setup. What are the pros and cons of it (Lag for instance)?




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jaysus... just looking at it i would think lag would be almost a given with that thing

maybe if you can find a smaller turbine housing then it would prolly work very well


me myself and i have been plotting thinking and daydreaming

of finding a tdi turbo

now you may ask .. wtf why vw/audi tdi turbo?

first off .. the tdi motor in vw/audi is 1.9 litre

secondly that particular turbo is a vnt style turbo

for those that have no idea wtf a vnt is

its short for variable nozzle turbo/turbine

to make it short an super sweet that turbo/vnt have moveable vanes in it

and the way it works is when engine vacum is applied to the unit/ vnt version of a wastegate

it closes down the vanes and directs all the hot exhaust into the turbo so in theory the engine sees a itty bitty turbo and being as such it will spool super quick .. now the downside fo a itty bitty fast spooling unit

is reduced hi rpm breathing..

enter the vnt one again

once the vnt reaches what ever psi you set it then opens the vanes until it stays at the peak psi its set for prety much like a common turbo really

but witht he vanes open the actual exhaust flow thru the unit is almost unrestricted so itacts like a large turbo on a small motor

still makes bad rump roast boost

up in the hi rpm/ hi load range

but the fact it can " adjust" on the fly to various engine load conditions make it in my opinion far superior


so basically you end up with a turbo that can adjust to spool super fast and then as the demand rises it will work like a larger unit and keep the boost going with less of the sideeffects of using a tiny/quick spooling/ hi rpm restrictive turbo


versus the oposite

wich is a slow to spool but good breathing at hi rpm unit


i mean imagine havine a turbo that will offer the boost of the low end grunt that all the older suby turbo's so badly need

but still be able to flow as well as those big units and not suffer the setbacks of a large turbo setup


oh k done rambling


oh wait

btw the vnt turbo was originally made by garret for certain turbo dodge applications and that was a 2.2/2.5 motor

so.. if a second to original vnt is originally built to run well on a 1.9 vw motor

then our modded 1.8's should work like a charm :)

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me myself and i have been plotting thinking and daydreaming

of finding a tdi turbo

... blah blah blah ...

secondly that particular turbo is a vnt style turbo

for those that have no idea wtf a vnt is

its short for variable nozzle turbo/turbine

... blah blah blah...

Hey, oddcomp, you are not the only one having "special" dreams ;) about VNT turbos. If you find any for less than the price of a cheap new car, let me know. If you could get a couple, they could find new homes in a BIG hurry!


And I bet that T3 would fit nice on my fullsize van. :grin:

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Yes, its too big. You need to sent me that hybrid so I can replace the one thats blown out on my Datsun Z. :D



Honestly, I'd link its too much turbo.. as a T3/4 hybrid like that is a step up for the Z car (2.8litres). Then again, I've learned that I dont know a damn thing about anything. brownbag.gif

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ctrl + V of my response to your thread on NASIOC


I currently run a T03 on my volvo.. but its 9.8:1 CR 2.3 litre(up from 8.5:1 stock). I ran a T03/04 on my Saab, but again, it was a 2.3 litre motor.. Aside from your overall displacement being quite a bit less, the 7.7:1 CR is not going to help with the monster turbo lag you are bound to achieve.

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You just need to donate your old OBS turbo kit to me to put on Sommer's car.....it REALLY needs some more omph......

Well, part of that kit's intake is on the XT6 when I did the Cobb intake. Now, the intercooler is going in the RX turbo. I have just one more thing to try with the turbo/downpipe Huck. I'll post a pic up if it works at XT6.net when I hopefully try it out in January. :grin: If it doesn't work, then it'll probably be history. You'd probably have your own kit built by then and selling extras. Hehe!


I didn't realize this turbo was THAT big. :o It seemed to work ok on the OBS.

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Well, part of that kit's intake is on the XT6 when I did the Cobb intake. Now, the intercooler is going in the RX turbo. I have just one more thing to try with the turbo/downpipe Huck. I'll post a pic up if it works at XT6.net when I hopefully try it out in January. :grin: If it doesn't work, then it'll probably be history. You'd probably have your own kit built by then and selling extras. Hehe!


I didn't realize this turbo was THAT big. :o It seemed to work ok on the OBS.

OBS has a lot more umph to turn that big hog! :brow:

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Variable vane turbos are a pretty cool idea. All the benifets of a small turbo AND all the benifits of a large turbo. What is really funny to me is those vanes are exactly the same as wicket gates on large hydroelectic powerplants just really, really, really, a whole lot smaller. Now I know why those turbo cost so much.

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OBS = 2.2 Liter....and 9. something compresion. That is sized well for that engine with high compression, as it'll help with the spool up.


1.8 liter. with pathetic compression, won't spool that turbo. As we like to call it. Thats the "Boost Tuesday" turbo.


You floor it...no boost "i'm sorry sir, your boost is on order and stuck in customs, it should be here tuesday."

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