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Columbus, Oh meet???

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Yes, fires are allowed. But please only burn stuff you would put in your woodburner at home.


Alcohol is fine, but YOU are responsible for your actions, if you bring bottles.... take them home with you. Forthat matter take ALL of your trash with you so that I, or othersdont have to pick it up. Finding cleanup time between working and keeping things under control there on Saturday's is hard. Anyone cuaght throwing trash where it shouldnt be... EXSPECIALY on the trails will extracted from the property and not allowed to return...


Here is a link to everything you need to know.



Are rules are far and inbetween, veryeasy to follow... you break them you leave its that simple... We hate doing that but after some of the stunts pulled out here we have to.

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ok, i thought i would ask before i made a fool out of myself or got some one mad , i do not have any wood to bring , but i figure i would ask , thanks


Theres probably something up there to burn... alot of people dumb old wood in a pile up there to keep the fire stocked up.

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I'll be there Sat & Sun...


I'll try to find my tent a sibling borrowed.

I have surplus firewood available at home if needed. Coolers too.

alleyboy: I'll check on a kettle or large cast iron pot. I know we have lots of pans and skillets.

I'll bring some deer summer sausage and some distilled spirits.

I might be able to borrow a DV cam to bring.

I'll bring a tow strap, tools for junking...

Should I bring any jacks or stands?


Anybody have a front axle? (driver side if it matters) Ball joint?

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I dunno now guys, if I'll be down. The oil pump on the XT-6 is scarring the hell out of me.


All has to do with the HLA tick thing. I've done a couple oil changes and used some MMO in her. Got to where only one or two would tick for a bit, even got to where there was no tick after initial start-up.


Now, as of Sunday, she just plain rattles. Every single one of the HLAs are ticking. Also, the oil pressure is usually up around the 45# mark, but Sunday it dropped to the bottom a couple of times, all while maintaining the same engine speed. Way scarry!!!!!!! Oil level is where it should be on the stick.


Going to check with the local parts supplier and see if they can get me either a new pump, or a re-seal kit, in before Friday. If they can't, I don't think I want to chance the drive down. Would really hate to hurt this engine........

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I am bringing my tool kit, it has pretty much everything we would need for trouble.


I would advise everyone to bring a spare axle, and some misc hoses, and things. These trails are rough and from what I heard if it rains they are VERY slick.


Pack some food and lots of water. If anyone has a chain saw that would be good, or at least an ax. I think I have one but I dont know where it is.


Feel free to bring your kids, I am bringing my son.

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It's Sat morning, and Jason, Fox and Danny are headed to Graceland. Jim Woods just stopped by the garage, and Jim from Lancaster is on the way. Ed with the RX is apparently going to make it too.


I am Subeless due my "mishap" but will tag along anyway. See you all there.



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Anyone know Jim from lancaster's cell number? I got his buisness call but need to call him in the morning, to find otu hwo to get the rest of the payment for the sub he bought from us..


Photos uploaded so far are here...




if anyoen else ahs photos pm me and ill give you the username and password so you cna upload them....


Miles should ahve soem awesome footage on that camera of his.

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i will say a few things, i have never off roaded like this, , another thing is thanks to the owner of the property , and for the trail boss, i had a very good time, a few times i got nerves , lost 2 mud flaps ,but found them , leaked alittle oil, 1 small dent in door , [ 3 in long] got home about 1:30 am sunday morning ,blew a tire , but had a full size spare , i took over 10 pics myself ,

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Anyone know Jim from lancaster's cell number? I got his buisness call but need to call him in the morning, to find otu hwo to get the rest of the payment for the sub he bought from us..


Photos uploaded so far are here...




if anyoen else ahs photos pm me and ill give you the username and password so you cna upload them....


Miles should ahve soem awesome footage on that camera of his.



Great pics Donny!


I would personally like to thank yourself, and Tony for allowing us to come out and wheel on your park. We all had a great time and if I am ever in the area and you need help out there let me know.


The trails were great, and you did an awesome job of trail bossing for us as well as providing the recovery for the stuck subes. You are a great guy, and I hope we can continue to stay in touch.

I hope some of the guys there realised what these little cars are capable of (although I know there are a few who still hate them).


I cant thank you enough for your patience and hospitality.



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I had a great time...


I want to apalogize to any of you that the locals gave a rought tiem to abotu the ru's... i'll persoanly be finding a way to take care of it... if it has to eb fenced off and only who we want let in, let in.... im tired fo my guys getting run out by a buncha drunkin idiots out there just lookin for fights....Glad yall did thge right thing and ignored it, more than most would ahve....


We'll gladly have you back anytime... and I warned ya if it rained we was all gonan be stuck......luckily my BII is capable of more pulling than I thought...lol

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very professional trail crew ,and thanks to the owner of the property , i filled up when i left drove 325 miles and still have 1/4 tank of gas , going to wash it today , get tire fixed, good things to take along , frs radios , spare tire, jack, tools, water ,cell phone antenna, i hope next year we can do it again , and of course more people, , any time the trail crew is up this way give me a call ,your always welcome here ,

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I had a great time...


I want to apalogize to any of you that the locals gave a rought tiem to abotu the ru's... i'll persoanly be finding a way to take care of it... if it has to eb fenced off and only who we want let in, let in.... im tired fo my guys getting run out by a buncha drunkin idiots out there just lookin for fights....Glad yall did thge right thing and ignored it, more than most would ahve....


We'll gladly have you back anytime... and I warned ya if it rained we was all gonan be stuck......luckily my BII is capable of more pulling than I thought...lol


no worries about it. I was expecting a little.

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I had a great time. I'd love to do it again, but maybe in a lifted wagon instead of an RX. The RX handled great, but the really low ground clearance and relatively good body condition worked against it.

I made it out with some trim damage and a couple dents in the driver's door, plus my PIAA fog lights are no more.

It's pretty sweet when you can go off-roading with Broncos in low-range with diff-lock then follow an '05 Mustang doing 90 on the highway on the way home, passing people in a mud covered Soob.

Thanks to Donny and everyone else for their hospitality and helping our little cars on the trails. Thanks to Jason for getting is set up and everyone else who helped with arrangements. It was nice meeting everyone and seeing their cars. I'm ready for the next meet! :D

I have pics and a couple short videos. I'll post links when I get them uploaded.



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