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Cold Symptoms ??

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Its been very cold here in Upper Michigan lately, and I probably haven't been letting da soob warm up enough, eh. So I'm making my way out of work yesterday, hop in da soob after juz 2 minutes of idle time to warm up and we start drivin. She hits about 2200 rpms and starts buckin like crazy. I pull over and look under da hood to see whats up. Nothin unusual there. So we starts off on our way and she bucks some more, and we pull over and listen to the idle some more and everything appears fine except for when she's drivin. So we start off one more time, and she starts running like normal again.


So here we go eh!


I store da soob in da garage at home at nite, so I'm thinking condensation in da tank, so I added some "Heat" to da gas eh. She sits out in the wind and snow during the day at work.


I also dont know when the fuel filter was last changed so I replaced that rump roast well.


How do your cars react to temps below 25 degrees with negative 30 degree wind chills?

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Last year in Idaho we had really bad cold streak. For about two weeks it was in the single digits or in the negative. Once it got to -24 outside with -41 wind chill. My suby didn't even blink. I'd get in the car and it'd start right up. Then I'd scrape off all the snow and Ice and it was ready to go.


On the REALLY cold mornings I usually went out and started it up before i was ready to go. by the time I was ready, so was my car!!


Never had the bucking problem...

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I've started my '87 RX down into the middle teens (degF) without trouble, good driveability without warmup (tho I normaly give it a few minutes). Runs on high idle tell about the time the temp gauge starts to move.


Is you're high idle working (auxiliary air valve)? Next thing I would check out is the ECU temp sensor.


Good luck



BTW, wind chill has NO effect on inanimate objects (no matter how much you love your Sube, its not alive :-p ), its the apparent temperature felt by warm blooded creatures. Tho, if you're driving into the wind the extra air flow may effect cooling.

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Try some methal hydrate or similar water remover for your fuel system, and maybe a shot of low visc. oil too.


BTW, wind chill has NO effect on inanimate objects (no matter how much you love your Sube, its not alive :-p ), its the apparent temperature felt by warm blooded creatures. Tho, if you're driving into the wind the extra air flow may effect cooling.

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