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Constant Misfire and Mechanic in Western NY

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Things only seem to go wrong when the weather is bad! My 99 OBW (Phase 1 DOHC) is having some serious engine issues. It has a constant misfire in cylinder 4.


Here’s a quick background, HG done at 140K, Passenger side head was milled close to maximum allowable amount. Car has been fine since then, the only issue it has had has been increased oil consumption. The car never used a drop of oil before the HG issue and now uses about half a quart to a quart ever 5000 miles.


Back to my current issue. A few weeks ago (189k) I got the dreaded CEL with the blinking misfire code. When I pulled over and got out I left the car running and noticed a slight squeaking sound on occasion. I shut the car off and check the oil and it was fine. Started the car up and headed home and it misfired one more time in about 20 miles of driving home. CEL stayed on but not blinking. Pulled the battery cable to clear the code and drove to work the next day waiting for the misfire, after a mile or so it misfired, after a few more miles it became constant. I went to a parts store on my lunch to get the code read and it showed a constant misfire on cylinder 4. The slight squeaking has turned into a noticeable tapping. I fear the worst, a valve train issue.


I don’t think it’s electrical, I forgot to mention that the coil, plugs, and wires were also replaced just before the HG job. I pulled each wire from the coil with the car running and it is getting plenty of spark. If it was a plug I doubt it would squeak then tap but I’m no expert. If anybody has any ideas I would love to hear them.


Part two, any body have recommendations for a good shop in Western New York. I live in the center of WNY and it’s the same if I drive to Buffalo or Rochester, or even Corning, I’m just looking for a good honest mechanic. There are 7 inches of wind driven snow in my yard and I don’t have a garage so I won’t be freezing my hands off to do much work myself. My wife bought the car new from Van Bortel Subaru and we have had terrible luck with their service dept. We have had to go back multiple times for every issue we’ve had with the car. They have never gotten it right the first time and we have been more than disappointed with them so we are looking for a good honest Subie mechanic in WNY.

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I am from Spencerport (west of Rochester), I too have my issues with Van Bortel, but they are the least of all evil's when you add Piehler and Doyle's Service Depts.. Don't get me started.


I have heard from a co-worker, another Sube nut, that there is a good Sube guy in Naples. Pat's Radiator

8633 State Route 21

Naples, NY 14512 Phone: (585) 374-2262


If you find anyone in a little less rural spot, let me know. I too am looking for someone other than these dealers to give my business to.

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I live not far from you and have a heated garage. PM me if you want to stop by this weekend and take a look. I should be home all weekend.


PS: My luck with VBS has been about the same, so I do almost everything myself now. A good friend of mine has had good luck with Piehler in Rochester.

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Thanks unverviking, my father lives in Naples and has taken his 00 Outback to Pats on numerous occasions. He has had great luck with them so far (No major problems or repair though just minor stuff). I called them and talked with them about my problem a week and a half ago. They very politely said that if it was a problem with the head/valve train they don’t want to do that kind of work on a 2.5 Phase 1 (I can’t blame them from a reliability standpoint). They referred me to Langner Enterprises in Bristol NY. I gave him a call and talked with him but I am still shopping around for any other good mechanics.

99obw I’m going to PM you in a minute my Saturday plans just got canceled.

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Fellow board member 99obw and I did a compression test on cylinder 4 to diagnose the constant misfire. It only had 25 lbs. of compression. Not the best news, so in a few weeks it’s good bye 2.5, and hello 2.2.



I have searched all the threads I can find about swapping out a 2.5 for a 2.2 but I still have a few questions, I started a new thread: Losing lbs. for the holidays, and just over 18 cubic inches! (Engine swap time)

Any advice for the swap would be appreciated.

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