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Whats this and why is it leaking?

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Okay, I'm a new "new genertation" guy, and I don't know that much about these models.


Anyway, I don't know what this thing is and more importantly, I don't know why it's leaking. I've got a big road trip coming up so I'd like to fix er before then...


Here's a close up.




Then a far view...




Can anybody help me? What can I do to fix it? Can I just tighten it? It leaks onto the the exhaust and burns off. Not a pleasant smell.


all help is GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!



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It may be a clutch operating cable if you have 5 speed 2.2, (no clutch master cylinder). I don't know about your engine, but some of the newer engines have a plastic plate in front of the flywheel that will leak oil and are always replaced by a metal plate when accessible. (Presumably, the metal plates can leak in some way too on the older cars). If there would be oil leakage inside the bell housing, it would mostly drip out the bottom, but some would get on the flywheel and be flung upwards and wet the cable location we are discussing. I thought the newer cars all had electric speed sensors rather than a speedometer cable..

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Dealers usually cost me money, which I really don't have right now. I'm not disagreeing with anyone who says it's the speedo cable, I was just curious why the oil looked so dark at the spot of the leak. It didn't make any sense that it would be the engine oil.


Anyway, I went out a checked the fluid levels and sure enough, it was overfilled, by quite a bit, I must add. It's been leaking since shortly after I got the car (sept 04) and it is still about a half inch over full on the dipstick. I assume the one I should be checking is the yellow one right next to the leak in the pics...?


Anyway, Thank you all for your help. But, where do I drain it and refill it?




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I don't recall if you said you had an auto or manual tranny. Either way there is plug (drain) on the transmission (bottom) that will allow you to drian the fluid. It is filled thru the dipstick tube. While you are down there you might want to go ahead and change the tranny filter. Who knows when it was done last.



The oil pan and filter are right there too....hint hint.

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Yeah, I was already planning on changing the oil. I was going to to that next, actually. Busy day today. Got get everything ready for the road trip tommorow!



I'll check it out and see if I can't get that done before I go. If I can't then I'll do it over in Idaho.




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Is it manual or auto?


Manual will have two drain plugs: on the engine oil pan the plug is angled, sitting next to the exhaust manifold on one side.

The transmission plug is pointing straight down, and is close to the exhaust pipe. It's quite a big plug.


The auto will of course also have the drain plug on the engine oil pan. However, there will be two drain plugs on the transmission. The one closest to the engine is the front differential, and the one further back is the geabox itself. You would want to drain the diff I think.


Now, be careful when you loosen the plug. If it's stubborn, get a long extension on your wrench, for goodness sake don't hit it with anything.


Try to find a new washer for the plug, and don't overtighten the plug when you re-install it. The spec is 40Nm. Don't use the extension when you tighten it. A wrech about eight inches long should give you enough leverage. Tighten until the plug won't move easily anymore.

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Alright, thanks.


It's gonna have to wait until I get to Idaho. I'm sure I know where it is, so it shouldn't be a problem when I get the time to do it.


I just got thru changing the oil. After loking at it, it didn't really need it, but o well. It's one less thing I have to do later.


Thanks again. You guys have been a real help. I know my way around the ea 82 series fairly well, but I'm kinda lost with the legacy...

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That is definitely the speedo cable base piece. It goes into the differential housing. If you checked the level on the yellow handled dipstick on the passenger side, while the car is off and "cold" and it's still overfull, drain the differential fluid and refill through the yellow handled dipstick hole on the passenger side. 80w90 is fine to use. Check your owner's manual for the capacity amount.


BTW everyone it's an automatic. The MT speedo cable goes into another cable, which leads to the transmission, and does not have the base piece that connects to the front differential.

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