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Is it just me?...


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Totally depends on your area. ALL old subarus are rare around here. Loyales being the most common but everything else I've never seen more than 2 or 3 unique ones (as in I see the same 2 or 3 of one type running around)


I guess ppl just didnt buy them around here back then. Funny now though you see TONS of the Legacy's on upto brand new WRXs, Foresters, etc. Even see quite a few H6's running around!

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I'd hazard a guess that at least 15% of all cars in NW Montana are Subarus of some vintage ... '05s down to the seventies. We are not at all unusual being a multi-Subaru family. But there's almost NO 'enthusiast' 'Roos around here, just stock daily drivers (including ours).

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  spanky_pete said:
There is a ton of ea81s and ea82s in my area. And yet, as far as I know, I'm the only person from Lewis County on the board. :confused:
Thats why I wanted some business cards of the USMB. Start leaving them on peoples windshields :brow: These people might not be enthusieasts becuase they might not realize how many of us are really out there!
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Heh.. until I picked up the ol BushBrat from VA, I had never seen one in person.. and going on the looks I get when I drive through town, apparently nobody else has seen one either. Later on, I've only seen one other Brat, and it was beat to hell on the back of some redneck's trailer heading out of town.


The junkyards tell the same tale.. finding parts is a biatch. I've found only ONE EA81 car in all the yards within two hours of the house. About a handful of EA82s, but thats it. Subaru never quite took hold in the southeast.. or everything has been crushed. :shrug:

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Around this area, I know of only 12 EA82 cars.......8 of those are mine.:drunk:



I know of NO EA81 cars....and my Subie radar is ALWAYS on.


Our last Subaru dealer near here closed in the mid 80's. Now the cosest one is about 90 miles away:(

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Has anyone been to Nelson BC home of Whitewater ski area, any Montana people? In this little ski town if you see a car it's mostly likely an Ea82 4x4 wagon or a 4x4 Tercel wagon. On the main strip I counted 13 on my way from the headshop to the hostel, about 4 blocks, they're everywhere! I live in the Pac. NW so I see alot of ea82 wagons but this place was unreal. Thinking maybe a JY yard run there next roadtrip might be a good idea.

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Yah, I'm a massage therapist in Vernon and here in the Okanagan of British Columbia, either people with large Cellos or an unusually large number of massage therapists own red 86-89 subaru station wagons. It's kind of funny especially the Cello part. Maybe in case they have an accident with another Cello player, they could play a duet while waiting for the police. Who knows? There are a good number of them here.

Yes, Vanisl, I think a trip up there would be cool. I've never been there.



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I don't know about other member who live in the southwest, but I do not see many subarus older than 1990's. My brat is the only one that I know of in Yuma county ...well there was a gen 2 and a gen 1 4 door in the junkyard. But it got crunched along with quite a bit of the junkyard's older cars :mad: ..... That sucks because I want to do some of the mods that you guys are always talking about. But because the older subarus in this area are really rare, I think it will be a long time until I can

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Come to Boulder... see the fury. Like 89% of the cars in Boulder are Rus. About 70% of those are new late 90s stuffs. 15% is early 90%s stuffs like legs, imps and SVXes. 10% is late 80s stuffs, xt, wagons rxs and sedans. The rest is OLD like brats and things. If you think your area is short on the ru side of things its because Boulder stole them.

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