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Subaru VS. ELk

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Will take pictures in a little while.

Traveling home last nite at 12 midnite one ran out in the road and I (thanks to 4 disk brakes) managed to stop without the elk coming through the windshield (it was airborn). It did a flip and ended off the road on the other side. Dead when it landed.....

Took out the head light, hood (needed work anyways from when Chris W. took out a couple deer), Drivers fender, grill, Radiator, and fan (one on waterpump)....

Kids (two boys were with me) and I are fine. Old lady came a long with her car (Colt vista) and we drug it the last couple mile to the house.




Need to change my sig..... Flying Banana with a bandaid...:-\

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OUCH, glad you're all OK, cars are replacable. Elk steaks?


So far in eight years in Montana I've only had one deer hit. 'Cept I got stopped and the deer ran into me! No dent, and after spinning around in circles on the road (ever see a deer breakdancing?) she ran off too.

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Pulled the hood and fender off, Pulled things out a bit and swapped in a different radiator. The back of the headlight went through the side of the battery.... Only a month old.... so have to change that out also....


Have a different hood (stored 65 miles away) with a scoop (homemade from a snowmobile) and a blue fender.

Am going to have to use an old headlight for the moment (someone pasted a bunch of silicone on it) but should be run-able in the morning.



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When I first read the opening post, I was thinking; Oh No, Subaru + Elk = Not purty!! Was expecting alot more damage than what shows in the pics.


Glad all occupants were okay. Bonus on the car being fixable....


I know alot of people that have whacked a Deer around here, my Wife included. Elk be bigger than Deer be. Deer can really mangle the front of a vehicle. Was just thinking it, the Elk, would've "really" mangled the car.

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I was really happy to hear you had the old turbo wagon running, and now this!!!

I'm so glad you and your family didn't get hurt, them damn elk are a bit tougher

on the ride. Two deer and an elk, takes a licking and keeps on ticking :brow:


Cheers Man,


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hmmmm elk....i mean damn elk hit your damn car, good thing your fam is alright, gotta love bumpers and reinforced body/rollcage. you secret is safe, what do you think the park rangers do with the elk that someone calls in and says they hit, they ask you how long ago, and then where were you, and you tell them, and they say just leave it there for the "other wildlife" all while getting the jeep fired up and making sure no one else heard you, and voila, they have meat for a month.

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  • 2 weeks later...
dude, invest in some bullbars then you get steak without the repairs:-p

If I could find someone here in the US that could make some good Aussie grade bullbars.. I'd get one myself. Then again, I dont have elk in my part of the world. And the deer I do face on a daily basis are usually smaller than the Brat. :-\ But it would look cool nonetheless. :cool:

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Nice repair work. Any antlers on the elk?

BTW, is that a imperial red '85 sedan? Is it a turbo? Just wondering, I sold one to a guy and he drove it over to idaho...

Not sure how you managed to get an imperial red 85 sedan out of my picture or signature....:-\

This car be a 87 turbo wagon in the maple beige variety...:D


And nope the elk was a cow not a bull so no horns.




I'm just hoping that we can do something similar to this repair with the other one that has a minor boo-boo

See my other post


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That's funny, you didn't notice the subaru sedan parked behind your car when you took the pictures?

I sold it to a guy named Travis in Lewiston...

Sorry about that I didn't realize that you were refering to the original pictures....

That one is an 86 carbed sedan with a d/r 5 speed and a earl shibe (orange ish red) paint job..... The hood is not original (was blue) and had to do some other body work and fake it painting on it... The hood is close to imperial red....:)




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