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Impossible hub!

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Hello! I am the "proud" owner of a 90 Loyale Wagon. Recently the rear driver side wheel began talking back to me. My husband and a friend diagnosed bad wheel bearings - the problem though is that they cannot remove the hub to get to them. Any suggestions? tips? tricks? They have tried banging, heat, (and I'm sure a good bit of cursing) to no avail!! I want my car back - so any help you can provide!! Thanks!!!

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First of all the axle needs to come off...and the caliper...and then the axle nut that has the hub/rotor...some good soakings of PB blaster should get enough to loosen things up.


I know that the hardest part is getting the stub out of the bearing in the trailing arm.

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I also highly recommend shelling out the $15.00 for a shop manual from the auto parts store. Not only does it tell you how to do these things, but they have pictures; pictures being worth a thousand words and all. If I were home right now I'd scan the picture of the whole thing for you out of my shop manual and post it, however I'll be at work until tomorrow morning. Perhaps someone else here can do that for you. I'll try to check back in the morning and do it for you if I still have enough brain power left to remember to scan and post too.

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These are all good tips, but I don't think anyone has hit on your true problem. You should buy the actual "pin socket" for removing the ring nut on the back side of the hub. you can tap it out with a chisle or other inplement but I don't recommended it. You will also have to "unstake" the ring nut before removing. After the ring nut is removed everything is pushed out from the out board to inboard. Hope this help, Tim

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