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power window switch fix-or at least repair

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OK, finally decided to dive into intermittent/non functioning window switches on 91 Legacy, despite lingering cold and almost immobile knee, as it was causing static eminating from wife unit. First, cursed designer and bought ratcheting screwdriver thing to take care of the 2 screws pointing INWARD that hold door handle on. So first removed driver's side, and took master switch assy to work bench for disassy. Found control for pass side front to be not working dues to broken little tabs on lever, tried to re-glue and or fabricate but woruld not reliable work. So finally soldered wires to the contacts and ran to a DPDT center off switch from RAdio Crack I mounted in a drilled hole in the switch lever. Side benefit was one of the plastic scraps had caused one of the rear switches not to function as well, so after cleaning I could control all 4 windows, up and down, from the drivers side "master" switch, and the individual 2 rear door switches were working too.


So now on to the switch in the front pass door-should be piece of cake now? Weeeeeelllllll......Ratcheting screwdriver broke on dissaay, but managed to get apart. First clue should have been that with pass door switch removed, even master switch would not operate window! Turns out due to interlock, etc, even in off position ther are contacts that are made that are broken selectively during the up and down operations. Thankfully for once my chiltons had detailed schematics, including the internal workings of the switch, or I would have assumed it could have been replaced with a DPDT and never known why it didnt work. Prolly needed at least a 3P3T but I just hard wired the jumpers to simulate permanently off and control that window only from drivers side.


Cold better, knee better, returned broken screwdriver for full refund(will buy a lifetme warrenty/better quality one later), wife happy so all is well for now.

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