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HELP - 1986 Fan Clutch...Update!!

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Get in touch with Jamie at www.allsubaru.com/contact.html and she should be able to give you a good deal on one. One place I checked listed the pump for $160.00. She may be able to beat that price. The pulley may have to be pressed off but that is easy to have done. You should be able to do this job real easy yourself and save a bunch of money.


PS: Apology accepted. Hang in there, your car is about finished and should be running great soon.

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I am a fool.


I got raped by my local repair shop and am just taking it out on you guys, which is not fair.


I got great advice here , and I would do it again.


My ranting about this topic has NOTHING to do with the great people and advice here.



It just seems, I am venting, and I guess it's convienant to do here, which is not fair.


Please disregard any of my Rantings towards this board. It is the repair shop is who I need to be bitching.


Sorry again, Lucky

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Can I make the strong suggestion that you go back and edit out the stuff that your sorry for. I can see this turning into an all out flame war shortly.


I'd also strongly suggest that you not vent your anger at this board or the people on it, it is a sure way to have people just stop helping you at all!!!!


Thanks, Tim

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  • 2 weeks later...

UPDATE - UPDATE - UPDATE - Feb.4 , 2005




Come to find out, It is NOT the power steering pump after all.!!!




I ordered the WRONG size water pump, and the fan pulley was coming loose.




It ended up shearing the studs of the pulley, I got a replacement. And it will be done by Monday.



I hope this is it with ALL this. Thanks again for your help.


P.S. - There are 2 water pumps - one for FACTORY installed A/C

Or one for Dealer installed A/C.


It looked factory to me, but I guess I was wrong.


Let me ask, Should the mechanic of known it was the wrong water pump he was installing?

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probably; but not always, some guys look to make sure that everything fits all nice-and-neat, others don't. If it was off enough to shear bolts, then he should have noticed, but if you provided him with the water pump, then it is not his fault.

basically, I don't know

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Follow up....


Well, I took it back, they took off belts, listened, and came to the conclusion that it was my power steering pump. They say $325, I say, NO, NO, I will pick my car up thank you.



So, I take it to someone who doesnt really work on subbies, but is a very good mechanic and HONEST. He has it for about 15 minutes before he sees what the problem is. The water pump pulley HAS SHEARED off the studs and bolts.!!!!! And metal shavings are everywhere.



Then I realized something that came back to haunt me......




I remembered that when I was ordering the WATER PUMP, there were "2" sizes to choose from.

One was for a FACTORY installed A/C , and the other was for a DEALER installed A/C. Well, I inspected my A/C system and it looked FACTORY to me, so I ordered accordingly.



MY MISTAKE. I ordered the wrong type, and it really cost me big. I had to buy another , have them remove and replace.



SO, make sure you GET the right one, because it can be installed and run for awhile, before grinding and a knocking noise alerts you. And hopefully it doesnt shear off completely or could be major damage. Mine almost came off !! Another 10-15 miles and it would of, fanclutch, radiator,etcc. would of been runed. I had only one stud hanging on for dear life, lol.



My question to anyone is, HOW can you tell if it is a FACTORY installed A/C. as opposed to a dealer installed A/C???


No mechanic I asked knew how. But I did see a A/C tag under the hood, that looked like it was put there by the dealership. It was under a bolt and not glued down (like the factory usually does with engine tags, etc..)



Maybe thats it. But thanks for any help, and hopefully this will help someone avoid in the future what happened to me.


BTW- I ended up paying them full price for Labor to remove and replace correct water pump. It's hard for me to complain, but you are right Turbone, a very alert and observant mechanic would of caught it.


And I did speak with the mechanic in question, and he said that when he used to work on those old subbies he remembered about those water pumps. And to be honest the difference between the water pumps is just an 1/8" inch, so it is easy to over look it I guess.


Well, hope this helps, AND YES, NOW after $1300.00 - MY SUBBIE is RUNNING LIKE NEW, and I HOPE IT LASTS FOR ANOTHER 100,000 miles or more.!!!!1!

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Well VERY interesting,



I have had a few mechanics here who say that the FACTORY installed A/C has the A/C compressor between the Alternator and power steering pump.



Well, that's what I thought, and mine is set up that way. BUT YET, the online parts stores (well, at least thepartsbin.com one), is saying that the "Short" water pump is for Factory installed A/C. And that is what I ordered per partsbin.com description of the part.


BUT, it is the LONG water pump that fit mine. Hmmmmm.....


I smell a blunder...



SOOOooooooooo, I was mislead by partsbin.com. ALSO, I believe I have seen it at napa described that way too.



Well, All I can say is, just take it off and compare it to the one you need.




I believe the descpriptions are backward, it has to be...


Thanks WJM

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