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only 1 speed of my blower works ('87 GL wagon)

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Please help! I own a 1987 gl wagon with 267,000 miles on it and 3 of my blower speeds have quit working. About 4 years ago speeds 1 and 3 quit working, so I operated with #2 and 4. But about eight months ago speed #2 quit as well. It is now cold and I like to have heat, but now can only blast myself and all my passengers with #4 blower speed.

Is this fuse related? I saw a post that said to ceck the connections from the relay switch under the ignition, I have a star-gaurd starter disabler so this makes it more difficult to check my connections under the ignition as the star-guards wiring is loose and I have to jiggle it to make the connection and get the starter to turn over. Please let me know if you have any suggestions?

Thank You, LS

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We had this exact same problem on our '87 GL Wagon about 7 years ago... BTW, this was a great car, probably my most favourite Sub. I liked the manual hi/low shifter for 4WD.


Anyways, the problem is likely your blower moto resistor pack. From memory, I remember it being a black plastic box buried somewhere in the dash I think it was near the glovebox on the passenger side, and it's about the size of a small pack of cigarettes, maybe a little more compact. You'll know you have it because you can see 3 resistors in it when you look inside it. To uninstall the resistor pack from the car was I think 2 screws and 1 4-pole plug to disconnect. Likely two of your resistors are fried, but the main one is OK that's why you can still use speed 4 of your fan.


Unconfirmed p/n for resistor pack (might be part for newer Subs -- check with your dealer for p/n for the older Subs -- I think it cost us $50 or something):

72024AA000 blower motor resistor pack


See here: http://forums.nasioc.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=504873&goto=nextoldest


If you're handy, you could take out the 2 broken resistors and replace them with new ones with equivalent resistance rating... ie: solder them into your old pack, but probably not worth the time. Just buy a new pack, that's what I did.


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Ya, same thing happened with mine, it's on the blower behind your glovebox.


If you can turn a wrench at all it won't be a problem. The glove box comes out and it's right there, 10mm bolts hold everything together if I remember right....

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Unconfirmed p/n for resistor pack (might be part for newer Subs -- check with your dealer for p/n for the older Subs -- I think it cost us $50 or something):

72024AA000 blower motor resistor pack

Definitely for newer vehicles. Completely different design. Good info though.



The resistor pack is located on the bottom of the heater box under and behind the glovebox. There is a white connector. It is held in by 3 8mm headed screws. 2 of them are obvious, the third is located to the right of pack sort of hidden. Pull it out and check to see if the coils are broken. It may be the switch as well. If the coils look ok and not broken it is the switch. The switch in our '88 3dr has gone out before only allowing a couple of speeds.

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wow, thank you for the quick responses and the picture!!!! I will be working on it tomorrow. Happy new year everyone.




the coils on my resistor were broken i used 20 ga , 30 ga saftey wire to make new ones and soldered works grate all speeds are back

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One way to test it to see if the resistor is the problem or if it's the switch is to unplug the switch and use a short piece of wire as a jumper. Find the hot wire and plug one end of the jumper into it and then plug the other end of the jumper into the other wires one at a time. If the fan works when you do that, and at different speeds, then the switch is the problem.

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