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Rainy + Bad Day at Work=


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One mudmobile! Went to my favorite off roading spot after work and had a little fun. Corse, I didn't have the camra with me:banghead: So, I took some aftermath pics instead. Enjoy!







I tell you what, that LSD in the back makes the backend just a smiget looser than it did before. This run also proved that practicly bald tires don't climb muddy hills very well. However, makes for 4x doughnuts lotsa fun!:banana:

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I could be WAY off, but is the antenna 2m?
Nope, just boring AM/FM. The original antena died so I swapped it for that nice long one from radio shack. There's supposed to be a CB antenna too, but I broke it on one of my zip under a tree manuvers.:banghead: AND my scanner antenna decided to let go the magnet. I'm not doing very well with antennas.:-\


You know you are doing something right when the roof is coverd :drunk:
Isn't that the way your supposed to do it? Cover it from wheels to roof? :burnout:



Those rims came off another 86 wagon, but I don't know what trim package; my guess would be thhe GL-10, but don't quote me on it.

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Nice job!! Just took out the loyale today and span some donuts in the dark its been really cold here like 25 degrees so the field i was doin it in was frozen. just make it easier to spin. when i got home i felt down the side in case of dents from small trees but all i could find were frozen streams of water from driving through frozen puddles. by the way thats a nice wagon, man i need to not be so lazy and get my 4wd drive fixed.

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