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Choke Adjustment - '88 Justy

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Hey, gang!


My Justy's doing real well. Just one problem that I need to rectify, other than the major repairs I still need. Can somebody tell me how to adjust the choke on my baby? She seems to set when I go to start 'er up cold, but her fast idle is non existent (unless I set the choke with my hand).


Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp! Winter's coming, and Saskatchewan winters are cold,and hard on the poor baby! I've been :banghead: for a while on this one.... Might hafta replace the carb, but I sure hope not....

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Catalic converter yes. As i said, i was in a hurry and the correct english name for it wouldn't occur.

No, not all subaru's do have a cat. (in my country Justy came with cat in 1991) and that makes a difference about adjustement.

In fact you can't adjust the choke itself, all you can do is cleaning the mechanism that connects the choke handles to the trottle handles. I use brake cleaner for that and than spray a very thin oil or penetrating oil to all connections, small axles, springs etc.

You can adjust the 'idle up' (trottle position with cold engine) with a screw that is located on the left side of the carb. near the trottle valve. The position of that screw is horisontally and points from the back to the front. It's very hard to reach, even hard to find but this screw must be turned clockwise so the rev's will be higher when the choke valve is closed (cold engine).

Adjusting this is supposed to happen with the carburater removed from the car but it is possible (not easy) on the car to.



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I'll have to look and see what country you're from, Urban. In Canada and the USA, ALL cars have had a cat since about 1976 or there abouts. Yes, mine has a cat.


I just went outside to take another look. It appears that the choke spring housing turns a wee bit. So, I set the choke, held it closed, and then turned the housing all the way to where it seems to sit when the engine is warmed up. That might just do it. But, I'm open to other ideas.


I can tell you this.... if I set the choke by hand, the engine starts up, and idles at 1500-2000rpm until I kick the throttle lever, after which it drops down to approx 1000rpm. That's how it SHOULD operate all the time. Unfortunately, if I just push the pedal to the floor, it doesn't seem to do that. I'll see, though, if what I did today helps it any.

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I live in Flanders, Belgium.


The choke valve opens about half way the moment you accelerate and at that moment the trottle valve closes to far so the engine stalls. Choke housings from Justy, as far as i know are mounted with 3 rivets, no screws, and are not adjustable. (I tried that myself to you see, didn't work :-)

Sometimes the problem is there because the outside temperature is not warm enough to idle whitout choke and not cold enough for the choke valve to stay colsed long enough. Maybe, once it get colder the problem will stop by itself.



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Flanders, Belgium. As in, Flanders Fields?


My apologies. The choke itself cannot be adjusted. However, the pull-off can. On the Justy, there's a coil spring in a metal housing on the side of the carbeureter. This can be rotated, adjusting the choke pulloff. As you'll see from another post, I've done that, and I'm hoping that it'll help. So far, though, it seems to have made a difference.

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