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changing fenders on the 90 legacy tonight...help

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I am going to be replacing the rusted out front fenders on my 90 legacy wagon tonight (about 1hr) and I need to know if anyone has any tips or tricks I should know about. I took the ones off the donor car but I used a sawzall to cut the bumper cover. Is there a civilized way to remove the fender from the bumper cover? What about install?


Thanks for all the help.

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bump bump time is running out...
Do you have a Haynes manual (#89100)? instructions are on page11-7 to 11-10 (mostly illustrations)


In short, take the front wheels off, and the front part of the wheel well housing. The bumper cover retaining bolts can be found behind this. . .

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I have to take the wheels off!!! I don't have that much ambition...or strength. Looks like rust is here to stay. Thanks for the advice.

I dont tink he means the knuckle Col...rules. Just the rim and tire.

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I knew he was refering to the rim and tire, I just don't have much strenght after suffering a few small strokes. I am lucky I have enough energy to get out of bed in the am. (10ish)
Well, you may be able to get in there if you turn the wheels all the way in on each side, but it may be cramped. I was just repeating what Haynes was saying. You have to modify the procedure to fit your physical capabilities is all. I recomend that you take it slow and go one step at a time, resting as often as is needed.


Here is my wish for a full recovery and return to good health.

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I never thought to turn the wheel to full lock. I will try that tommorow morning. This also means I can park my fanny on the ground and relax. Doctor say "I have to take it easy." I can't tell you how easy it is and how much it sucks!! I'm used to pulling engines and hanging my kids upside down and spinning them around. I just hope they find the cause and fix it quick. I wish this apon nobody!! Not even my worst enemy!


Thanks again guys. I will try again tommorow...now that I now I can.

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I knew he was refering to the rim and tire, I just don't have much strenght after suffering a few small strokes. I am lucky I have enough energy to get out of bed in the am. (10ish)

Sorry. I was'nt aware of your condition. Hope all goes well for you.

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You might opt not to do this at this time. Two of the bolts holding the fender on are hiding behind the bumper. I just did two fenders at PAP; luckily one bumper was already gone; getting at the two bolts on the other one was difficult at best. I wound up removing the bumper skin so I could get at those two bolts with a small 10 mm wrench.

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