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Should I Go To midas or 15min Oil change Places?

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Ok.. so I dont like to go to a 15min oil change places that much.. You Know the places im talking about... midas, minute lube ect....

So my question is... What should i ask them to do OR Tell them To DO! when i get my oil changed.. and my Rad Flushed!


Or should I take My car to the Subaru dealer and get them to flush my rad!

It will cost alot more but i dont have time to do it my self right now.. and its -5 out with snow and i have no where to work on my car :(


Also is it worth my money to get a tune up at the subaru dealer.. and what would they do in a normal tune up?


Ohh ya.. and i need to get my tranny looked at!! If they drop the pan - would they then have to go all the way and look deep in side the tranny make me pay mad shop rate hours!! ?


Thanks Guys.. This Site is A GOD send!!!




92 Ls legacy wagon..



trany needs some help :(

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The 15 minute places make their real money selling secondary services, like air filters, tranny flushes, etc. It's okay to tell them specifically which services you want performed, and to refuse anything extra.


Be wary of oil changes. More than once has a front differential drain plug been mistaken for the oil pan drain. Bad things happen. It's okay to hang around the shop and 'supervise'.


Jiffy Lube and the dealer may be using the same radiator flush machine, I don't see much of a difference there.


Modern cars don't really require tune ups. Oil changes, spark plugs and wires, valve adjustments (if you have solid lifters) pretty much cover everything. Another secondary service, IMHO. I'd just stick to the maintenance schedule.


What specifically is the transmission doing that you are concerned about?

Auto or Manual?

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  coloradosubarules said:
Ramps $25.00

Oil $10.00

Filter $5.00

Disposal of oil ...Free.


Feeling like you got the job done right............priceless!

You need ramps for yours? I can reach right under the front laying on my back. . . A mecanics creeper, perhaps. . . Oh, and you forgot the catch basin to take the oil to the disposal place (I use a reusable one, and recycle the oil at the auto parts store) :grin:

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  coloradosubarules said:
I use the ramps so I can put a container with a funnel attached to it. I do a few oil changes for people so I only visit the parts store once a month.
Ahhh, OK. One of the things I love about my Subie is that the only tool I need to change the oil is the wrench to pull the drain plug. . . Oil change takes 15 mins, and I don't spill a drop. The rest of the things are that the rest of the maint. needs are just as easy (or nearly so, for me anyway), and it drives like a sports car, and it seems like it will last me forever, and . . . well you get the idea. . . :grin:
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Getting back on the topic at hand:


  BC_Grown said:

It will cost alot more but i dont have time to do it my self right now.. and its -5 out with snow and i have no where to work on my car :(

Given those conditions, I would go to a local indie mechanic and keep an eye on them. Heck, I'd be tempted to make a tent out of a large tarp, and put a heater next to you while you work (tarp goes over the hood, onto the roof, held down with bunjee cords there, and with large weights behind you) Heck, you could use the engine for a heater, an oil change is supposed to be done with the engine warm. . .

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How does one get the oil filter off without a mess?? Ever time I pull the thing. the oil comes poring out, over my hand, down my arm and before I can do anything, the oil has dropped a bit on the floor!!! The only part of the job I hate.



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  Baymtnman said:
How does one get the oil filter off without a mess?? Ever time I pull the thing. the oil comes poring out, over my hand, down my arm and before I can do anything, the oil has dropped a bit on the floor!!! The only part of the job I hate.



Punch a hole in the bottom of the filter, and let it drain into your drain pan. A hammer plus phillips screwdriver works just fine.


For the original poster: I'll second the recomendations for a good independant shop. Ask around your area for recommendations. Dealers charge WAY too much and are no better than a GOOD independant. Regarding the quick lube or Midas type places, there are too many horror stories - avoid them.

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  Baymtnman said:
How does one get the oil filter off without a mess?? Ever time I pull the thing. the oil comes poring out, over my hand, down my arm and before I can do anything, the oil has dropped a bit on the floor!!! The only part of the job I hate.



Simple actually, and without extra tools: turn it until it starts to pour oil (with the drain pan under it), and then remove your hand and let the oil slop down the sides of the filter and into the pan. When it is down to a trickle, you only need your fingertips to turn it until it drops off into the grate at the top of the pan. Turn it upside down and let the whole thing finish dripping, then pick up the filter with a paper towel (or disposable shop rag), and put it in the box the new one came in. Ron has a good meathod too. but I found it hard to swing the hammer under there with the wheels on the ground. Plus, every time I tried that method, ai got oil all over the place as I did not get the pan under before the oil drained on the floor. . .

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  Strakes said:
Here's thread that may interest you:





Yikes! Those posts are scary! I'll add one here.


My boyfriend Tim took his F-350 diesel to the dealer for the "complimentary" oil change offered on a new truck purchase. Filter wasn't tightened properly... vibration of the diesel engine... no, he didn't lose it all, but... you can imagine what 15 quarts of oil on the driveway would look like!

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If you have any independent garages near you, stop by and ask questions. I found one near me that changes the oil/filter and tops off washer fluid etc. for $18.95 while I wait (if I call for an appointment). I have given them other work since I found them, at resonable prices...we both win...and I don't worry about an ignorant mechanic draining something he shouldn't for $24.95. :)

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Wow Thanks Guys And Girls For all the replies.....Been working soo had NO time to Check the thread.....


Im going to go Buy ramps and Oil pan.. Also wanted them, so just time! I Just need time off to Do the change! Working mans World is just too busy :P


But I think i might get My Rad Flushed and changed at the 15min shop, Just because i dont have time for that kind of change.. and from what iv read its not too hard but.... u need to do it right so i need to read more! And i dont want to flush it all over my lawn and kill the cats or the fish.......


That 2003 thread- http://www.ultimatesubaru.org/forum/showthread.php?t=2899

is cool! But scary.....

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