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5sp tranny fluid question

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have an 89 wgn w/the dual range 5sp...when cold its a little notchy btwn 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th...after warm though its pretty smooth...the odometer shows 203k and i have no idea if or when the tranny fluid has ever been changed...would this be a good time to go the 50/50 route with synthetic and normal gear oil? and if so, suggestions would be nice :D



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have an 89 wgn w/the dual range 5sp...when cold its a little notchy btwn 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th...after warm though its pretty smooth...the odometer shows 203k and i have no idea if or when the tranny fluid has ever been changed...would this be a good time to go the 50/50 route with synthetic and normal gear oil? and if so, suggestions would be nice :D



Great coincedence, cause I just logged on to report on exactly that, but with an '86 D/R behind an EA 82. Bought the car recently from a very non mechanical fellow. Oil was dirty. Tranny felt just about done. Did the 50/50 thing just this evening and can't believe the difference. Like night and day. Much more quiet too. Shifts way smoother. I used the Redline shock proof light weight.


Question? Do these fantastic results last?



Pyromanic the clayman

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i may have to try that mix. this past fall i changed out the gear oil with valvoline. now in the cold, it is very hard to shift unless i let car warm up for 5-7 minutes. last winter, no problems whatsoever. im thinking previous owner may have had synth in there. next stretch of semi-warm weather and im swapping the valvoline garbage out.

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red line shock proof? what weight? and mixed with what?





Like I said, Red line Shockproof Lightweight. (Not Ultralight) that's what it's called. Mixed 50/50 with regular Durex 80W-90 API GL 5.


The Reline label says this: "can be rated as a 75W140 Gear Oil, which provides twice the viscosity in the thin layers between the gear teeth, but has the lower internal fluid friction of a 30 weight motor oil.


I hope this mix is ok for year round use, but if someone tells me no, I can change. Sure has improved prefomance in this cold, cold weather. Did I do good? Bad? Don't know much, but I sure do know I don't want to f&$% up my already tired transmission.


All comments are welcome, since if this combination is deemed innapropriate, I will simply use it as a flush since the tranny fluid was FILTHY.



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