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EA82T: how bad are gen1 heads, really?

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So I ended up having to get rebuilt heads for my EA82T that's going into the RX. Ordered up a set from Aluminum Head Rebuilders, which arrived friday. Got to looking at them, which are gorgeous by the way, and noticed that they're gen 1 heads (EA82 with no line or box). I was a bit disappointed by this for two reasons. First, the slightly more forgivable fact that builders such as CCR use only the later gen heads on their turbo motors. Secondly, and less forgivable, is the fact that I told them the car was an 89, which would indicate gen 3 heads should be installed (use parts at least as good as what came from the factory). Now I'm wondering how wise it would be to use these heads. They are in fine shape, with new valves and great machine work, but they are still first gen heads. I suppose the question I need to ask is just how likely these heads are to crack. Will it not be a problem if the car isn't overheated, (I'm putting in a new rad, among other things) or will they fall apart right away? How about under hard driving?


Stories and experiences in addition to hard facts would be greatly appreciated.

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I'd use them, I have cracked (between valves) gen ones on my EA82T, I had them pressure tested and they are fine. You do get some sort of warrantee from them right?

It does seem suspect that they would say they were from an 89 though....

From what I gather, I don't think Gen 3 are the holy grail

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Okay, I guess these will work fine. I had just heard some "horror stories" about gen 1 heads being horrible.


I can't remember exactly what the TSB I have says (it's 750 miles away from me right now), but basically they added more material around the exhaust port and moved the valves farther apart or something like that.

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