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Electrical Demons - Need an Excorsist

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Ok, I tested the Alternator yellow wire and yes, the light goes on. Does this necesserally mean the alt is bad?, or could something else be at fault and cause that circuit to be completed (or is that yellow wire never supposed to have power through it even with the ignition switch in the "on" position?)


I also pulled every fuse and relay in the two fuse box's and the power never goes out (with the alt plugged in and the ignition switch in the off position).

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Ok, I pulled the alternator and will get another tomorrow. Then I can at least take that off the list. I'll let you know how that goes tomorrow evening. Hopefully I'll have my little subaru back on the road becaused it's supposed to snow on saturday!


Thanks for the continued help. It suprises me how much people are willing to share knowledge on forums!

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I knew that the light would turn on when you put it on your car. The question is.... if the light will turn on in your mother-in-law's car. I don't think it will supply the load of the light. I think your meter was just picking up a residule voltage. I have never had to look at this kind of problem before but I think we are on the right track. If the light turns on in the other car then I am wrong about the alternator being bad and we will have to look at another avenue for the trouble.


The yellow wire should supply voltage too the alternator and not the other way. That is the way I understand it at least. I will feel pretty bad if this doesn't fix things and causes you extra work.

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I knew that the light would turn on when you put it on your car. The question is.... if the light will turn on in your mother-in-law's car. I don't think it will supply the load of the light. I think your meter was just picking up a residule voltage. I have never had to look at this kind of problem before but I think we are on the right track. If the light turns on in the other car then I am wrong about the alternator being bad and we will have to look at another avenue for the trouble.


The yellow wire should supply voltage too the alternator and not the other way. That is the way I understand it at least. I will feel pretty bad if this doesn't fix things and causes you extra work.

Even if it's extra work it'll be well worth the help and the piece of mind knowing that it's not the alternator!


I tried to check my mother in laws sub but it has a different plug that doesn't allow me to tap into the yellow lead easily (with it plugged in). I'll check it if the new alt doesn't solve my problems...


Looking at the wiring diagram, I was wanting to find out where the ignition relay is. If that was somehow bad it could be leaking power back through the circuit? Not sure where it is though...

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Going by the print that Legacy777 gave us, it shows that the coil of the ignition relay is tied to the yellow alternator lead. The other end of the coil goes to ground. Since it appears that the coil is turned on when the alternator is connected, power has to be supplied to the coil from the alternator and we know that is happening.


The relay may be under the dash near the steering column.

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Thanks for the feedback Bruce. Glad you got it fixed. That was a good problem you had there. I'm not sure who is more happy about this. You, getting it fixed, or me, not leading you down the wrong path replacing good parts for nothing. From all the testing it seemed that had to be the problem. I think we all learned something on this one.


Thanks again to Josh for the prints and support.

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Thanks for the feedback Bruce. Glad you got it fixed. That was a good problem you had there. I'm not sure who is more happy about this. You, getting it fixed, or me, not leading you down the wrong path replacing good parts for nothing. From all the testing it seemed that had to be the problem. I think we all learned something on this one.


Thanks again to Josh for the prints and support.

Yes, and thanks to everybody that pitched in.

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