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Clogged A/C drain

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I know that this may seem like a strange topic to bring up in the middle of winter, but I've got a clogged A/C drain on my '93 Loyale. I can hear what sounds like a gallon of water sloshing around behind my dash.


I've tried blowing compressed air into the line (80-100 PSI), and the line seems clear, but the water won't drain (got maybe 1 or 2 ounces out, then the trickle stopped.)


I've been told not to use a wire or anything, because I could puncture and/or damage the condensor. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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The wire method is usually what i have had to do to get it to drain, does it try to drain at all if you pinch the end of the drain hose i know some chevys have a closed end with a slice in them and sometime enough dirt will clog them. just be careful when using the wire method and just make sure you dont poke anything that feels too solid, or you can go to the store and get a coffee straw and try putting that into the drain hole and getting it just past the clog and stop when you get a stream of water come out of the straw.


things you can use with out puncturing anything valueable

hardline vaccumm line like those plastic ones

coffee straw,

thick walled vaccumm line

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