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Smoking Computer Chip Theory?!!

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This past Friday, my computer decided to catch an attitude with me. I wanted it to start the car and manage all the ignition and fuel delivery needs. It on the other hand, decided to take a "smoke break"(pun intended) before taking off on an extended vacation and promptly went on terminal leave :drunk: . So now I'm left with a car that doesn't work at all. I have to get this puppy running again as it is my wife and I's only form of transportation. So I come pleading on the mercy of anyone who may have a spare ecu that they would be willing to sell. If you have one, please, PLEASE let me know. I would greatly appreciate it.


Thank You all very much for your time.




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I don't have an ECU for you but i do have this advice: i would recommend that you inspect your car's grounding in the engine bay. the digital dash cars are very susceptible to electrical gremlins because the computer technology then was newer and more fragile than today's. there should be a ground wire from the engine wiring harness to somewhere on the intake (thermostat i perhaps), one from the trans to the frame where the spare tire is supported, one from the neg. terminal of the battery to the water pump arm, and one from that arm to the frame in the driver's front corner. there are probably a couple other small ones on the intake and maybe in the ignition wiring off the coil perhaps but there are the main ones. give the rest of your electrical stuff a checkup too.

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