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Differences between GL and Loyale??

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First, let me say that I am a total repair novice, but I am on a mission to learn about car repair. I have owned an 84 GL (OHC) and have the HOW TO KEEP YOUR SUBARU ALIVE book by Larry Owens. The book only covers models through 1988 with its nifty little diagrams. It is the first book I have seen that gives me the little confidence to branch out into repairs. As I do so, I realize that my car may be out of service for a few days from time to time so I am looking for a second car, one that I can use the same book to work on.


MY QUESTION IS THIS: Are there any real differences between the Loyal an GL for repair purposes? Can I get by with this book on a Loyal, in the same way an 85 GL is the same as an 88 GL?

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