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Check this out, Subaru powered stadium racer


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My brother who works down at econmy rentals in Prineville,OR told me about this car.


His boss picked it up for $200.00 and the thing is in really good shape.

My bro drove it and said the thing pops wheelies really well:)


He told me it was a 2.2 but im thinking it's a 2.5 Turbo.


This is probly one of the coolest things i have ever seen, Im going down to prineville tomarrow to pay off a speeding ticket, My brother said that he's working tomarrow and i might possiblt get to driver it!:)





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My brother who works down at econmy rentals in Prineville,OR told me about this car.


His boss picked it up for $200.00 and the thing is in really good shape.

My bro drove it and said the thing pops wheelies really well:)


He told me it was a 2.2 but im thinking it's a 2.5 Turbo.


This is probly one of the coolest things i have ever seen, Im going down to prineville tomarrow to pay off a speeding ticket, My brother said that he's working tomarrow and i might possiblt get to driver it!:)





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  DeathHatch said:
nice that looks awesome. if you could get some pics of the wheelies that would be sweet. :headbang:

If all goes well i might get a pic of thing thing raising it's frontend:)


Um, No the thing isn't street leagal, Im sure it could probly be made to be tho.


Accully, The local PD and stater's have already seen this thing on the road, Joe my brothers boss is friends with the cops, they get away with a little more than they probly should.


Im going to try to get a recording of the Beastly sound this thing makes as well, I'll post whatever i get tomarrow.



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Ok, got down to prineville today, Didn't get to drive it tho :(.



I did get more pics and also discovered that the motor is an EJ20 16 valve Quad Cam.


And yeh, that thing does sound like a monster.


I'll post the pics i got of it in a few days.



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Ok, got down to prineville today, Didn't get to drive it tho :(.



I did get more pics and also discovered that the motor is an EJ20 16 valve Quad Cam.


And yeh, that thing does sound like a monster.


I'll post the pics i got of it in a few days.



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