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I'm wondering if anybody has any info or ideas on a suitable gun rack for my 91 Legacy wagon. I had a rack in one of my pick-up trucks that held two rifles overhead. It was the NUTS! I most always have a rifle or two with me and it would be slick to stow them someway nice-nice instead of leaning on the passenger seat or bouncing around the back.

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man it's been a long while since someone has brought that up (it was back when we were on EXboard) but you could make a system to hang it overhead in the cargo area or IIRC there should be some mounting points for a net of some sort in the cargo floor so you could theoreticaly make a rack to mount to those and hold your rifles/shotguns

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Hey Don't knock it till you try it Mr...Bunny Lover...... :lol:


I got pretty good at quick drawing my 12ga. out on Grouse and Quail that popped out to the roads while Deer Hunting.......


I never went home from a day of Hunting empty handed.....


Now you made me wanna go kill something......Grouse over a fire sounds real good.... :slobber::D


Later, John the Mighty Bird Slayer....... :headbang:

( I can hear all the Veggie Eaters/animal lovers Cringing....)

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Hey Don't knock it till you try it Mr...Bunny Lover...... :lol:


I got pretty good at quick drawing my 12ga. out on Grouse and Quail that popped out to the roads while Deer Hunting.......


I never went home from a day of Hunting empty handed.....


Now you made me wanna go kill something......Grouse over a fire sounds real good.... :slobber::D


Later, John the Mighty Bird Slayer....... :headbang:

( I can hear all the Veggie Eaters/animal lovers Cringing....)

Sounds like fun to me. :D


I've got one out of my truck I'm thinking about modifying to install in my Hatch. I was going to shorten it and mount it on the back of the rear seat. That way with the seat folded down it's easy to reach behind and grab in a hurry. You never know when it might come in handy out on the trails. :lol:


Psst John, check your PMs.

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Mudrat, I have no doubt you could fabricate something along those lines. Trouble is, the rear seat in my Subie is ALWAYS folded down. I tote two beagles around with me and seldom have use for the passenger seat, let alone the rear, I need the deck space.

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I'm thinking the Cabelas overhead two gun might work if I mount it, either cross or longways in the rear. Theres no way theres enough headroom up front. The overhead is sweet because it does a decent job of concealing the guns from casual view. Theres enough guns on the street as it is, I've no interest in adding mine!

The rack does seem a bit spendy at $60 bucks plus shipping. I hate paying shipping based on price. Actually, I hate paying shipping period. I'm a cheap motherchicken, I know. http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jhtml?id=0005330220670a&type=product&cmCat=search&returnString=No=0&hasJS=true&Nty=1&Go.y=9&Ntx=matchall&Go.x=23&Ntt=gun+rack&N=4887&QueryText=gun+rack&noImage=0&_D%3AhasJS=+&_DARGS=%2Fcabelas%2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jhtml.22&Ntk=Products&returnPage=search-results1.jhtml

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Cranberry Lake is some sweet country, the state campground there is my favorite in all the park. Great fishing too! That whole area is not so over-run like its gotten around here. Been here 11 years, but will be moving to North Carolina in a couple weeks.

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Turns out the overhead mounts via sheet metal screws, so it requires a double roof. If I'm not mistaken, the Subie does not have that. Possibly it could be mounted to a cross member, but I've no idea what the roof construction is under the headliner.Back to the drawing board......

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